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Artificial plants

Artificial plants

People choose artificial plants for several reasons. One of these reasons is that an artificial plant cannot wilt and always remains beautiful. For example, you may want to put a plant or several plants in a place that is difficult to reach, such as in a shop window or in a high place.

1 prodotto

  • Kit fai da te terrario • Bonsai Drop XL Ficus Ginseng • Ecosistema con piante • ↑ 37 cm

    Kit fai da te terrario • Bonsai Drop XL Ficus Ginseng • Ecosistema con piante • ↑ 37 cm

    Terrario con Ficus Ginseng in un'esclusiva bottiglia di vetro a goccia Con un terrario porti in casa un piccolo biotopo autosufficiente. L'acqua viene riciclata attraverso l'evaporazione, quindi l'irrigazione non è o quasi necessaria. Super trendy e conveniente, giusto? Lo pensavamo anche noi. Dimensioni: Ø 29 cm ↑ 37 cm Nessun pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono totalmente cura di se stessi. In molti casi devi solo annaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti una vegetazione infinita a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva! I nostri mini ecosistemi sono davvero per tutti e si sentono a casa in ogni interno. Buono a sapersi; tutti i nostri ecosistemi vengono consegnati come kit fai-da-te, quindi dovrai assemblarlo da solo dopo averlo ricevuto. Ma ancora una volta non preoccuparti, perché spiegheremo tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo ecosistema in cinque passaggi. Cosa è incluso? Bicchiere con sughero (altezza 37 cm e diametro 29 cm) Piante; Bonsai di ficus ginseng Fittonia bianca Fa rossoittonia Diverse palline di muschio verde Substrati  Carbone attivo Terreno per terrari Ghiaia decorativa Piano passo dopo passo: creare il tuo terrario Personale, sostenibile ed educativo Le nostre piante e muschi sono selezionati a mano dai coltivatori locali con la massima cura e amore. Qui vengono coltivati ​​nel modo più sostenibile possibile. In questo modo, le piante nella tua bottiglia di vetro sono garantite per prosperare insieme e ti godrai il tuo ecosistema personale con le piante per molti anni a venire. Impariamo facendo. Creando il tuo terrario con piante in bottiglia tu stesso o con i tuoi bambini impari a conoscere le varie sfaccettature della terra e quindi le basi della nostra esistenza in modo creativo. Pietra, terriccio, radici, piante, acqua e riciclaggio si uniscono in questo creativo eye-catcher per la tua casa. Buono a sapersi Lavoriamo con impianti certificati MPS e vetreria riciclata. Le dimensioni ei colori delle piante vive possono variare. È anche possibile che, a causa della stagione, una pianta nella foto non sia disponibile. In tal caso riceverai una bellissima alternativa. Si consiglia di aprire il proprio ecosistema una volta al mese per alcune ore. Consiglio regalo per il tuo amante, famiglia, amico o collega  Un grande regalo per il tuo amico verde, ma sicuramente anche per il tuo amico meno verde. Lui o lei non ha il pollice verde? Quindi segui tu stesso i cinque passaggi e realizzalo tu stesso per lui o per lei. Bella storia, vero? Puoi lasciare che il tuo amico "Ho il pollice verde" capisca tutto da solo! Regalalo come regalo di compleanno, regalo di inaugurazione della casa o qualsiasi altra occasione ti venga in mente. È un regalo diverso e unico. Questa volta regala la bottiglia ma tieni il liquore. Cioè, se riesci a regalarlo... Scommettiamo che questo speciale eye-catcher avrà un posto nel tuo interno in pochissimo tempo. Guarda tutti i terrari e crea la tua giungla urbana!

People choose artificial plants for several reasons. One of these reasons is that an artificial plant cannot wilt and always remains beautiful. For example, you may want to put a plant or several plants in a place that is difficult to reach, such as in a shop window or in a high place. It could also be that the plant needs to be somewhere with a lot of light and a real plant would shrivel in the process. The reverse is also possible, for example if you want a plant in your toilet, bathroom or any other place without a window or little light. Plants need light to live, so then an artificial plant is the best choice.

Large artificial plants

Large artificial plants are an emerging trend in interior decoration and offer a pleasant green look to a room. Unlike real plants, artificial plants require no care and will not wilt. This makes them ideal for people who do not have a green thumb or for places where caring for real plants is difficult, such as offices, public areas or places with little to no daylight.

Artificial plants come in different shapes and sizes and can be made of different materials, including plastic, fabric and even papier-mâché. This makes them suitable for any interior, regardless of style. Whether you are looking for an artificial cactus for your industrially decorated home or a beautiful dark green XL artificial plant for a romantic bedroom, there is always a large artificial plant available to suit your personal taste and interior.

Large artificial plants are also a great way to draw attention to specific areas of a room. For example, if you want to fill a corner, you can place a large artificial plant there. Or, if you want to fill a blank wall, you can put a series of smaller artificial plants in front or next to it. This will not only improve the look of the room, but also create a sense of nature and tranquillity.

Artificial plants will always look the same

Unlike real plants, artificial plants will always look the same. This makes them a more durable option for the long term and you will continue to enjoy them for years.

All in all, large artificial plants are an excellent addition to any interior. Whether you are looking for a way to brighten up your home or make your office more pleasant.

What are the benefits from Artificial plants 

In recent years, artificial plants have become increasingly popular as a way to add some greenery to our homes and offices without the hassle of maintenance. Not only are they convenient, but they also offer a range of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. In this article, we will explore the benefits of artificial plants and why they are a great addition to any space.


  1. Low Maintenance

Artificial plants require very little maintenance compared to their living counterparts. They do not need water, sunlight or fertilizer, making them ideal for busy individuals who do not have the time or resources to care for live plants. With artificial plants, you can enjoy the beauty of greenery without the added responsibility.


  1. Cost-Effective

While some high-end artificial plants may come with a hefty price tag, in the long run, they are a more cost-effective option compared to live plants. You will not have to worry about the ongoing costs associated with maintaining live plants such as water, soil, fertilizer, and replacement when they die. Artificial plants can last for years with minimal maintenance, making them a worthwhile investment.


  1. Versatility

Artificial plants are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them versatile enough to fit any decor. Whether you are looking for a small tabletop plant or a large statement piece, you can find an artificial plant that fits your space perfectly. You can also use artificial plants in areas where live plants would not thrive, such as dimly lit rooms or spaces with temperature fluctuations.


  1. Allergen-Free

For those with allergies or sensitivities to plant pollen or soil, artificial plants offer a great alternative. They do not release allergens, making them a hypoallergenic option that can be enjoyed by all. You can also avoid the potential mess associated with live plants, such as soil spills or fallen leaves.


  1. Eco-Friendly

While live plants are a great way to purify the air and promote a healthier environment, the production of artificial plants has come a long way in recent years. Many artificial plants are now made from recycled materials and are more environmentally friendly than ever before. Choosing artificial plants over live plants also reduces the carbon footprint associated with plant production and transportation.

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