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Mini plants

29 prodotti

  • Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    L'asparago ornamentale è un membro della famiglia dei gigli ed è strettamente imparentato con l'asparago che conosciamo come verdura, mmmm. Proviene dall'Africa. I pennacchi degli asparagi ornamentali sono finemente ramificati e quindi morbidi al tatto. È un popolare ripieno verde nei mazzi di fiori. La pianta è sempre verde, cresce velocemente e richiede poche cure. Posiziona i tuoi asparagi ornamentali in un luogo con un po' di ombra e luce. In estate vuole più acqua che in inverno. Mettilo nel tuo terrario o fai un tuffo nella vasca da bagno di tanto in tanto. Dai a questa pianta elegante un posto di rilievo nella stanza. Altezza (vaso compreso) 15-18 Dimensione vaso 6 Posizione Ombra parziale Fabbisogno idrico Media Adatto per terrario Sì Informazioni aggiuntiveOgni pianta cresce e fiorisce a modo suo e differirà a seconda della stagione e della pianta.La pianta mostrata può differire per forma e dimensioni dall'acquisto nel negozio o nel negozio online.

    € 3,75

  • Fittonia Ruby Lime - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia Ruby Lime - Pianta a mosaico

      Altezza (vaso compreso): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant - Terrarium plant

    Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant - Terrarium plant

    The name actually says it all, Coffee plant. The Coffea Arabica is a houseplant that originates from Ethiopia, where it is used for the production of coffee beans. You can now find the Coffea Arabica in different parts of the world and several varieties are known. You can recognize the Coffea Arabica by its glossy, dark green leaves.Height (including pot): 15-20 cm Pot size: 6 cmPosition: Semi-shadeWater requirement: AverageSuitable for terrarium: Yes Extra informationEach plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.

    € 3,75

  • Bonsai Ficus Ginseng - Microcarpa - ↑15 cm - Ø 6 cm

    Bonsai Ficus Ginseng - Microcarpa - ↑15 cm - Ø 6 cm

    Il Ficus Ginseng Bonsai, noto anche come Ficus "Microcarpa Fig".Questo piccolo mini albero alto 15 cm si comporta meglio in un ambiente umido. Può essere piccolo ora, ma con abbastanza amore e le giuste condizioni, questi graziosi mini alberi possono crescere fino a 300 metri.Altezza: 15 cmAcqua: 1 volta a settimana Luce: luce solare diretta/indirettaMisura vaso: 6 cm

    € 9,50

  • Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    L'asparago ornamentale è un membro della famiglia dei gigli ed è strettamente imparentato con l'asparago che conosciamo come verdura, mmmm. Proviene dall'Africa. I pennacchi degli asparagi ornamentali sono finemente ramificati e quindi morbidi al tatto. È un popolare ripieno verde nei mazzi di fiori. La pianta è sempre verde, cresce velocemente e richiede poche cure. Posiziona i tuoi asparagi ornamentali in un luogo con un po' di ombra e luce. In estate vuole più acqua che in inverno. Mettilo nel tuo terrario o fai un tuffo nella vasca da bagno di tanto in tanto. Dai a questa pianta elegante un posto di rilievo nella stanza. Altezza (vaso compreso) 15-18 Dimensione vaso 6 Posizione Ombra parziale Fabbisogno idrico Media Adatto per terrario Sì Informazioni aggiuntiveOgni pianta cresce e fiorisce a modo suo e differirà a seconda della stagione e della pianta.La pianta mostrata può differire per forma e dimensioni dall'acquisto nel negozio o nel negozio online.

    € 4,50

  • Fittonia White - White Tiger - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia White - White Tiger - Pianta a mosaico

    La Fittonia bianca 'White Tiger', una pianta d'appartamento tropicale nota per le sue sorprendenti foglie rosse e verdi. Il soprannome "Mosaic Plant" è ovviamente dovuto a questa bellissima foglia unica. Estremamente adatto per l'uso in un terrario o come aggiunta colorata alla tua giungla urbana. Altezza (vaso compreso) 10 Dimensione vaso 9 Posizione Punto luminoso, senza luce solare diretta Fabbisogno idrico Media Adatto per terrario Sì

    € 3,95

  • Asparagus - Potsize 6 cm - 15-20 cm high

    Asparagus - Potsize 6 cm - 15-20 cm high

    Meet the Asparagus plant, a delightful addition to any space. This charming house (indoor) and terrarium plant is celebrated for its delicate, feathery foliage that adds a touch of elegance to your home. Known for its lush, green appearance, it thrives in a semi-shaded spot and has a moderate water requirement. Height (including pot): 15-20 cm Pot Size: 6 cm Light Requirements: Semi-shade Watering Needs: Moderate Terrarium Friendly: Yes Additional Information: Each Asparagus plant has its unique growth pattern and blooming style, which may vary with the seasons and individual plants. The plant you receive might differ slightly in shape and size from the one pictured in-store or online.

    € 3,95

  • Hedera helix - Ø 6 cm - Houseplant & Terrarium plant

    Hedera helix - Ø 6 cm - Houseplant & Terrarium plant

    The Hedera Helix, also known as English Ivy, is a versatile and hardy plant that belongs to the ivy family. A Hedera is suitable as a houseplant, garden plant, and terrarium plant. The Hedera, originating from Europe, is known for its elegant, green leaves that provide a green oasis both indoors and outdoors. The Hedera Helix has a compact growth habit and is supplied in pot size 6. Thanks to its dense leaf growth and climbing abilities, the Hedera Helix is a popular choice for adding greenery to homes, offices, or gardens. This plant remains green throughout the year, grows relatively quickly, and requires minimal care. For optimal growth and health, place the Hedera Helix in a location with a mix of shade and light. Although the plant can adapt to various light conditions, avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorch. In terms of water needs, the Hedera Helix is moderate; it prefers evenly moist soil, especially during the growing period in spring and summer. Watering can be reduced in winter. Note: It is important to prevent waterlogging and standing water in the pot to avoid root rot.

    € 2,95

  • Fittonia red - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia red - Pianta a mosaico

    Altezza (vaso compreso): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Calathea Makoyana - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

    Calathea Makoyana - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

      The Calathea Makoyana terrarium plant needs little light. Place the Calathea in a spot with (semi) shade without direct sunlight. Too much sunlight is harmful to the plant and will lead to brown edges on the leaves.The Calathea requires high humidity and is therefore very suitable as a terrarium plant. What is special about this green / purple Calathea is that the leaves are 'alive'. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to open them again in the morning. Because of this, they also call it the 'living plant'. Height (including jar) 15-20 Pot size 6 Location Half shadow Water requirement Medium Suitable for terrarium Yes Additional information Each plant grows and flowers in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.

    € 5,95

  • Calathea Lancifolia - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

    Calathea Lancifolia - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

    The Calathea Lancifolia terrarium plant needs little light. Place the Calathea in a spot with (semi) shade without direct sunlight. Too much sunlight is harmful to the plant and will lead to brown edges on the leaves.The Calathea requires high humidity and is therefore very suitable as a terrarium plant. What is special about this green / purple Calathea is that the leaves are 'alive'. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to open them again in the morning. Because of this, they also call it the 'living plant'. Height (including jar) 15-20 Pot size 6 Location Halfshadow Water requirement Medium Suitable for terrarium Yes Additional information Each plant grows and flowers in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.

    € 5,95

  • Fittonia bianco - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia bianco - Pianta a mosaico

    White Fittonia, una pianta d'appartamento tropicale nota per le sue straordinarie foglie bianche e verdi. Deve il soprannome di Mosaic Plant a questa bellissima foglia unica. Posiziona questa Fittonia in un luogo luminoso ma al riparo dal sole. Altezza (vaso compreso): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Plant terrarium set - Jungle Boost - 6 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Coffea Arabica - Fern - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Jungle Boost - 6 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Coffea Arabica - Fern - Red & White Fittonia

    Jungle-Boost for your terrarium: 6 tropical plants in one package This package brings a colorful jungle to your terrarium! Terrarium plant package Jungle contains 6 beautiful and exotic plants with which you can create a unique colorful jungle in your terrarium. The plants are all easy to care for and fit together perfectly so that you can fully enjoy the tropical atmosphere at home and in your terrarium. Turn your terrarium into a real jungle with this "Jungle-Boost" package! What's in the package? Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' - Mini palm Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant Athyrium - mini fern Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are available throughout all the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 27,50

  • Fittonia Pink Tiger - Pianta a mosaico

    € 3,95

  • Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    L'asparago ornamentale è un membro della famiglia dei gigli ed è strettamente imparentato con l'asparago che conosciamo come verdura, mmmm. Proviene dall'Africa. I pennacchi degli asparagi ornamentali sono finemente ramificati e quindi morbidi al tatto. È un popolare ripieno verde nei mazzi di fiori. La pianta è sempre verde, cresce velocemente e richiede poche cure. Posiziona i tuoi asparagi ornamentali in un luogo con un po' di ombra e luce. In estate vuole più acqua che in inverno. Mettilo nel tuo terrario o fai un tuffo nella vasca da bagno di tanto in tanto. Dai a questa pianta elegante un posto di rilievo nella stanza. Altezza (vaso compreso) 15-18 Dimensione vaso 6 Posizione Ombra parziale Fabbisogno idrico Media Adatto per terrario Sì Informazioni aggiuntiveOgni pianta cresce e fiorisce a modo suo e differirà a seconda della stagione e della pianta.La pianta mostrata può differire per forma e dimensioni dall'acquisto nel negozio o nel negozio online.

    € 2,95

  • Vendita -21% Plant set - Lancifolia - 4 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant set - Lancifolia - 4 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package - the basis for every terrarium This Terrarium Plant Pack of 4 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 4 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 19,50€ 15,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 3 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 3 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package - the basis for every terrarium This Terrarium Plant Pack of 3 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 3 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 14,50

  • Fittonia Joly Josan - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia Joly Josan - Pianta a mosaico

      Altezza (vaso compreso): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Fittonia Joly Lemon - Pianta a mosaico

    Fittonia Joly Lemon - Pianta a mosaico

      Altezza (vaso compreso): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Ficus microcarpa ginseng bonsai - ↑20 cm

    Ficus microcarpa ginseng bonsai - ↑20 cm

    The Ficus Ginseng Bonsai, also known as Ficus "Microcarpa Fig".  This 20 cm high small mini tree does best in a moist environment. It may be small now, but with enough love and the right conditions, these cute mini trees can grow up to 300 meters. Height: 20 cm  Water: 1x per week Light: direct/indirect sunlight Need a size smaller? View Ficus ginseng bonsai microcarpa ↑15 cm

    € 14,95

  • Plant terrarium set - Bonsai - 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Bonsai - 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng bonsai + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Ficus Ginseng bonsai Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 27,50

  • Ultima scorta! Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    The Hoya Kerrii, also known as the Sweetheart Plant, is a charming houseplant originating from the lush landscapes of Southeast Asia. Its unique, heart-shaped leaves are not only a symbol of love and care but also a striking decoration that adds warmth and personality to any space. Whether you are an experienced plant collector or a budding green thumb looking for an easy-to-care-for plant, the Hoya Kerrii is a perfect choice. Care This plant requires little maintenance but gives a lot back. The Hoya Kerrii prefers bright locations but should not be placed in direct sunlight. A spot in the home with a temperature around 21°C is ideal. It is important to regularly spray the plant with water to increase the humidity. Growth The Hoya Kerrii grows very slowly, but if there is no significant growth after a few years, something may be wrong. Therefore, make sure the plant gets enough light. The plant will not grow in low light conditions.

    € 4,95

  • Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants  - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Coffea Arabica + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

  • Mini pot - Anthracite matt - 7 cm

    Mini pot - Anthracite matt - 7 cm

    Flower pot Anthracite matt matte 7 cm from the urbanjngl collection fits into almost any stylish interior. The beautiful warm terra color of the pot subtly adds more color to your home. Create your own 'urban jungle' by placing a cute small houseplant in the pot. The pot is glazed, has a solid pattern, and is available in various colors. The diameter of this model is 7.5 cm, and the height is 6 cm. This pot is suitable for our plants with pot sizes of 5, 6, and 7 cm. Advice The given measurements are external dimensions, so the interior size may be slightly smaller. It is advisable to choose a plant with a smaller pot size than the pot size of the flower pot. This pot may be completely waterproof.

    € 1,95

  • Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

  • Mini pot - Panna White matt - 7 cm

    Mini pot - Panna White matt - 7 cm

    Flower pot Panna White matte 7 cm from the urbanjngl collection fits into almost any stylish interior. The beautiful warm terra color of the pot subtly adds more color to your home. Create your own 'urban jungle' by placing a cute small houseplant in the pot. The pot is glazed, has a solid pattern, and is available in various colors. The diameter of this model is 7.5 cm, and the height is 6 cm. This pot is suitable for our plants with pot sizes of 5, 6, and 7 cm. Advice The given measurements are external dimensions, so the interior size may be slightly smaller. It is advisable to choose a plant with a smaller pot size than the pot size of the flower pot. This pot may be completely waterproof.

    € 1,95

  • Set mini piante 6 - Con 6x vaso Boule antracite

    Set mini piante 6 - Con 6x vaso Boule antracite

    Cerchi un vaso elegante e audace per le tue piante? Questo set di 6 vasi in ceramica, accompagnato da 6 piante tropicali, combina semplicità e carattere. La finitura liscia e il colore profondo rendono questi vasi una scelta raffinata per qualsiasi tipo di arredamento. Che tu abbia uno stile industriale, moderno o minimalista, questo set dona un aspetto forte e intramontabile al tuo ambiente. Cosa contiene questo set?Il set include sei splendide piante: Hedera Helix, Felce, Coffea Arabica, Palma Areca, Ficus Ginseng Bonsai e una Mini-Palma. Abbinati ai robusti vasi in ceramica, aggiungono immediatamente un’atmosfera naturale e moderna al tuo interno. Le forme eleganti e leggermente arrotondate rendono questi vasi perfetti per piccole piante d’appartamento. Il design scuro e opaco esalta il verde delle piante, rendendo questo set un vero punto focale per il tavolo, il davanzale o la credenza. Specifiche Quantità: Set di 6 vasi in ceramica e 6 piante Dimensioni dei vasi: Diametro 7,5 cm, Altezza 6 cm Materiale: Ceramica di alta qualità Stile: Moderno, industriale e intramontabile

    € 26,95

  • Vaso Boule Toscana opaco

    Vaso Boule Toscana opaco

    Questo vaso in ceramica di tonalità marrone terracotta aggiunge calore e carattere immediato al tuo ambiente. La finitura opaca e liscia e il tono naturale e terroso rendono questo vaso una scelta perfetta per qualsiasi stile di arredamento, che sia boho, scandinavo o rustico. Il vaso valorizza magnificamente le tue piante e dona un tocco caldo e rilassante a ogni spazio. La tonalità calda rende questo vaso versatile e ideale per una pianta verde come una Pilea, una succulenta o una piccola palma. Posizionalo sul davanzale, sul tavolino da caffè o in cucina per creare un angolo naturale e accogliente. Specifiche Dimensioni: 6 cm Materiale: Ceramica di alta qualità con finitura opaca Stile: Caldo, naturale e versatile

    € 2,95

Why choose Mini Plants?

Mini plants have gained popularity in recent years, and it's easy to understand why. They fit perfectly in small spaces, such as windowsills, desks, bookshelves, and even small corners of your home. These little green gems add an atmosphere and coziness to any interior.

Our Diverse Collection Whether you're looking for succulents, cacti, air plants, bonsai, or other small plant varieties, we have a large collection to choose from.

Each plant has been carefully grown and selected for its unique characteristics and beauty.


  • Succulents: Our collection includes a wide range of succulents in various shapes, sizes, and colors. From elegant Echeveria to robust Haworthia, there's something for everyone.
  • Cacti: Cacti are not only easy to care for but also have a unique charm. Browse our collection to find your favorite cactus.
  • Air Plants: Air plants are intriguing because they don't need soil to grow. They are perfect for hanging, placing in glass terrariums, or simply placing on a shelf.
  • Bonsai: Bonsai is an art form in itself. Discover our beautiful bonsai trees and start your own bonsai journey.

Perfect Gifts

Our mini plants also make great gifts for friends and family. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, housewarming, or other special occasion, give the gift of natural beauty.

About our baby plants

  • Fittonia White Tiger and Fittonia Ruby Lime: These enchanting Fittonia varieties are known for their striking leaves with white veins and a touch of pink and lime green. They bring vibrant energy to any space and are easy to care for.
  • Coffea Arabica: Dreaming of a home barista experience? The dark green leaves of this coffee plant create a delightful ambiance in your home.
  • Ficus Ginseng Microcarpa: This bonsai variety is a masterpiece of nature. Its twisted trunk and glossy green leaves exude calm and elegance. Perfect for lovers of zen interiors.
  • Asparagus: The elegant Asparagus plant, also known as the ornamental asparagus, adds an airy and refined look to any environment with its delicate green fronds.
  • Calathea Lancifolia and Calathea Makoyana: These Calathea varieties are true works of art in nature. Their leaves are adorned with striking patterns that close at night and open during the day. A great choice for plant enthusiasts.
  • Mini Fern (Athyrium): The mini fern, called Athyrium, brings freshness and natural wilderness to your interior. Its soft, feathery leaves are a delight to behold and care for.

Whether you want to expand your green collection or are looking for the perfect gift, our collection of mini plants has something for everyone. Care for them with love and watch these little treasures come to life in your home.

Order today and let these mini plants become the heroes of your interior decor. Add a touch of natural beauty to your life with our miniature wonders!

  • Often bought together with

    Often bought together with

    Do-It-Yourself terrariums are often purchased together with our handy terrarium tools. So make it easy on yourself and add some terrarium tools to your shopping cart.


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