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8 prodotti

  • Codiaeum Iceton (Croton Iceton) ↑ 140 cm

    Codiaeum Iceton (Croton Iceton) ↑ 140 cm

    The Codiaeum Iceton, also known as Croton Iceton, is a striking plant that brightens up any space with its variegated leaves in yellow, green, red, and orange. Standing at 140 cm tall in a Ø30 cm pot, this plant is a colorful statement in any interior. The Croton Iceton loves a bright spot but prefers to avoid direct sunlight, making it ideal for spaces with indirect lighting. Its water requirement is moderate; keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering. This plant is perfect for anyone who wants to bring some color into their home and is willing to give a little extra care to their plants. With its vibrant colors and unique appearance, the Codiaeum Iceton is a real eye-catcher.

    € 145,95

  • Dracaena Lemon Lime (Dragon Tree) ↑ 150 cm

    Dracaena Lemon Lime (Dragon Tree) ↑ 150 cm

    The Dracaena Lemon Lime, with its vibrant striped leaves in yellow-green hues, reaches an impressive height of 150 cm in a Ø30 cm pot. This colorful plant is a real eye-catcher and brings a fresh, tropical vibe to any space. This low-maintenance plant loves a bright spot in the house, but direct sunlight can damage its leaves. A place where light falls indirectly is perfect. The Dracaena Lemon Lime is forgiving when it comes to watering. Let the soil dry out slightly between waterings, making it ideal for busy people or those who sometimes forget to water their plants. With its playful colors and easy care, the Dracaena Lemon Lime is a fantastic addition to any interior.

    € 162,95

  • Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) ↑ 180 cm

    Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) ↑ 180 cm

    The Ficus Lyrata Bush, a stunning plant standing at 180 cm in a Ø30 cm pot, is a true beauty for any plant enthusiast. This 'Fiddle Leaf Fig' is loved for its large, glossy leaves that add an exotic and elegant touch to any interior. The Ficus Lyrata needs a bright spot in your home but avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. This plant likes a stable environment and does not tolerate extreme temperature fluctuations. In terms of watering, the Ficus Lyrata likes evenly moist soil, but ensure no waterlogging. This makes it suitable for those who enjoy a challenge and are willing to give some extra care to their green friend. With its imposing stature and striking leaves, the Ficus Lyrata Bush is a noticeable and stylish addition to any home.

  • Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    The Pachira Aquatica, paired with the stylish Elho Vibes Fold Round White pot Ø30, is a beautiful combination that brings both elegance and green serenity to your living space. Standing at a majestic height of 160 cm, this Pachira Aquatica makes a striking green statement and adds a natural flair to any room. This "Money Tree," as it's often called, likes a bright spot in the house but prefers to avoid direct sunlight. Its water needs are moderate; water it when the top layer of soil feels dry. The combination with the sleek, white Elho pot offers a modern look and fits perfectly into any interior. This set is ideal for anyone looking for a stylish, green addition that is both soothing and low-maintenance.

    € 93,95

  • Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii (Snake Plant) ↑ 110 cm

    Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii (Snake Plant) ↑ 110 cm

    The Sansevieria Trifasciata 'Laurentii', standing tall in a Ø30 cm pot at about 110 cm high, is a timeless classic among houseplants. Often known as the 'Snake Plant', it is cherished for its long, upright leaves with striking yellow-green stripes, adding a strong architectural element to any interior. The Sansevieria is extremely low-maintenance and can thrive in almost any light condition, from bright to shady. However, direct sunlight can damage the leaves, so a spot with indirect light is ideal. This plant is particularly tolerant when it comes to watering; it suffices to let the soil completely dry out between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. The Sansevieria Trifasciata 'Laurentii' is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a stylish, air-purifying, and nearly indestructible plant.

    € 100,95

  • Strelitzia Nicolai (Bird of Paradise Plant) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    Strelitzia Nicolai (Bird of Paradise Plant) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    The Strelitzia Nicolai, paired with the elegant Elho Vibes Fold Round White pot Ø30, is a subtle yet impressive addition to any interior. Standing at 160 cm, this plant brings a piece of tropical beauty into your home, perfect for those who love a natural and fresh look. This "Bird of Paradise" plant loves a bright spot in the house but avoid direct sunlight to protect the leaves. The Strelitzia Nicolai is fairly easy when it comes to watering; keep the soil lightly moist but ensure it's not saturated. Combined with the sleek, white Elho pot, this plant creates a modern and calming element in your living space. This set is ideal for those who want to add an exotic touch to their interior, with the convenience of a complete package.

    € 100,95

  • Kit fai da te terrario • Sam XL con bonsai • Bonsai Ficus Ginseng • ↑ 35 cm

    Kit fai da te terrario • Sam XL con bonsai • Bonsai Ficus Ginseng • ↑ 35 cm

    Terrario fai da te con piante verdi in bottiglia Niente pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono totalmente cura di se stessi. In molti casi devi solo annaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti una vegetazione infinita a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva! Dimensioni: Ø 29 cm ↑ 35 cm Niente pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono totalmente cura di se stessi. In molti casi devi solo annaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti una vegetazione infinita a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva! Con un terrario porti in casa un piccolo biotopo autosufficiente. L'acqua viene riciclata attraverso l'evaporazione, quindi l'irrigazione non è o quasi necessaria. Super trendy e conveniente, giusto? Lo pensavamo anche noi. I nostri mini ecosistemi sono davvero per tutti e si sentono a casa in ogni interno. Buono a sapersi; tutti i nostri ecosistemi vengono consegnati come kit fai-da-te, quindi dovrai assemblarlo da solo dopo averlo ricevuto. Ma ancora una volta non preoccuparti, perché ti spiegheremo tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo ecosistema in cinque passaggi. Cosa è incluso? Bicchiere con sughero (altezza 35 cm e diametro 29 cm) Piante; Bonsai di ficus ginseng Fittonia bianca Red Fittonia Diverse palline di muschio verde Substrati  Carbone attivo Terreno per terrari Ghiaia decorativa Piano passo dopo passo: creare il tuo terrario Personale, sostenibile ed educativo Le nostre piante e muschi sono selezionati a mano dai coltivatori locali con la massima cura e amore. Qui vengono coltivati ​​nel modo più sostenibile possibile. In questo modo, le piante nella tua bottiglia di vetro sono garantite per prosperare insieme e ti godrai il tuo ecosistema personale con le piante per molti anni a venire. Impariamo facendo. Creando il tuo terrario con piante in bottiglia tu stesso o con i tuoi bambini impari a conoscere le varie sfaccettature della terra e quindi le basi della nostra esistenza in modo creativo. Pietra, terriccio, radici, piante, acqua e riciclaggio si uniscono in questo creativo eye-catcher per la tua casa. Buono a sapersi Lavoriamo con impianti certificati MPS e vetreria riciclata. Le dimensioni ei colori delle piante vive possono variare. È anche possibile che, a causa della stagione, una pianta nella foto non sia disponibile. In tal caso riceverai una bellissima alternativa. Si consiglia di aprire il tuo ecosistema una volta al mese per alcune ore. Consiglio regalo per il tuo amante, famiglia, amico o collega  Un grande regalo per il tuo amico verde, ma sicuramente anche per il tuo amico meno verde. Lui o lei non ha il pollice verde? Quindi segui tu stesso i cinque passaggi e realizzalo tu stesso per lui o per lei. Bella storia, vero? Puoi lasciare che il tuo amico "Ho il pollice verde" capisca tutto da solo! Regalalo come regalo di compleanno, regalo di inaugurazione della casa o qualsiasi altra occasione ti venga in mente. È un regalo diverso e unico. Questa volta regala la bottiglia ma tieni il liquore. Cioè, se riesci a regalarlo... Scommettiamo che questo speciale eye-catcher avrà un posto nel tuo interno in pochissimo tempo. Guarda tutti i terrari e crea la tua giungla urbana!

  • Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant) ↑ 110 cm

    Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant) ↑ 110 cm

    The Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, housed in a Ø30 cm pot and standing at about 110 cm tall, is renowned for its hardy nature and ease of indoor cultivation. Often referred to as the ZZ plant, it features glossy, dark green leaves that are excellent for adding a touch of elegance to any space. Its ability to thrive in low light conditions and its minimal water needs make it an ideal choice for busy plant lovers or for areas inside that do not receive much natural light. Watering should be done sparingly; allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. The Zamioculcas is also valued for its air-purifying properties, making it not just a decorative, but also a functional addition to the home. This plant is perfect for anyone looking for a low-maintenance, attractive plant that contributes to a healthier indoor environment.

  • Often bought together with

    Often bought together with

    Do-It-Yourself terrariums are often purchased together with our handy terrarium tools. So make it easy on yourself and add some terrarium tools to your shopping cart.


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