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A houseplant instantly brightens up your interior. By combining several houseplants, you can create an urban jungle effect in your own living room, office or business. Under the motto: "one is nothing!", we strongly advise you to choose several plant friends. After all, you don't want your new plant to feel lonely, right?

110 productos

  • Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    The Hoya Kerrii, also known as the Sweetheart Plant, is a charming houseplant originating from the lush landscapes of Southeast Asia. Its unique, heart-shaped leaves are not only a symbol of love and care but also a striking decoration that adds warmth and personality to any space. Whether you are an experienced plant collector or a budding green thumb looking for an easy-to-care-for plant, the Hoya Kerrii is a perfect choice. Care This plant requires little maintenance but gives a lot back. The Hoya Kerrii prefers bright locations but should not be placed in direct sunlight. A spot in the home with a temperature around 21°C is ideal. It is important to regularly spray the plant with water to increase the humidity. Growth The Hoya Kerrii grows very slowly, but if there is no significant growth after a few years, something may be wrong. Therefore, make sure the plant gets enough light. The plant will not grow in low light conditions.

    € 4,95

  • Clusia Rosea Princess (Pig Plant) ↑ 15 cm

    Clusia Rosea Princess (Pig Plant) ↑ 15 cm

    The Clusia Rosea Princess, also known as the Piggyback Plant, is a charming addition for any plant enthusiast. Standing at a modest height of 15 cm, she fits easily on any desk or windowsill. Her glossy, leathery leaves in a deep green color bring a tropical vibe to your room. This little powerhouse is surprisingly easy to care for. She prefers bright, indirect light and moderate watering. Ensure that the soil dries out slightly between waterings. The Clusia Rosea Princess is an ideal choice for beginner plant lovers or anyone wanting to add a touch of green to their space without much fuss.

    € 15,95

  • Chic Hotel plant set | Pairs of Phalaenopsis orchids and succulents - Ceramic pots included

    Chic Hotel plant set | Pairs of Phalaenopsis orchids and succulents - Ceramic pots included

    Is the chic theme just for parties? Not at all, with the complete Hotel Chic plant set, every day can be chic. A beautiful set that fits elegant, bold, and chic interiors. In the set, you'll find the Face-2-Face pot and Groove pots for a playful twist, Monkey long tail, and a golden tray. Accompanying the set is the purple Morelia orchid along with Succulents in the pots. The Phalaenopsis orchid boasts 2 to 3 branches. Orchid Care: Water your orchid once a week by submerging the grow pot in water. Afterward, let the orchid drain well before placing the houseplant back in the decorative pot. Choose a bright spot, but away from direct sunlight, with room temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Also, do not place the orchid near a heater or radiator. Packaging & Delivery: Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box that ensures plants and pots do not get damaged during shipping. *As we deal with living products, the varieties shown may have slight variations from the photos.

    € 64,99

  • Sarracenia Farnhamii (Pitcher Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    Sarracenia Farnhamii (Pitcher Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    The Sarracenia Farnhamii, with a pot diameter of 12 cm and standing at 40 cm tall, is an intriguing addition to any plant collection. This carnivorous plant, also known as the North American Pitcher Plant, uniquely captures insects with its colorful, funnel-shaped leaves. Place it in a sunny spot indoors; this carnivore loves lots of light! Caring for the Sarracenia Farnhamii is different from your average houseplant. It prefers rainwater or distilled water, as it is sensitive to minerals in tap water. Make sure the soil remains consistently moist. During winter, the soil can be a bit drier as the plant goes into dormancy. A fascinating and easy-to-care-for plant, perfect for those wanting to add something unique to their green collection.

    € 16,95

  • Asparagus Setaceus (Asparagus Fern) ↑ 35 cm

    Asparagus Setaceus (Asparagus Fern) ↑ 35 cm

    The Asparagus Setaceus, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its fine, feathery leaves. This plant, also known as the Lace Fern or Asparagus Fern, adds a delicate and airy touch to any interior. The 'Setaceus' is ideal for plant enthusiasts looking for a subtle green addition to their space, with the ease of simple care.This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the delicate leaves. The Asparagus Setaceus requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its elegant appearance and easy care, the 'Setaceus' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

    € 8,95

  • Peperomia Santorini (Trailing Peperomia) ↑ 20 cm

    Peperomia Santorini (Trailing Peperomia) ↑ 20 cm

    The Peperomia 'Santorini', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 20 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its compact growth and attractive leaves. This variety of Peperomia, with its thick, succulent leaves that have a deep green color, adds a subtle yet stylish touch to any interior. The 'Santorini' is ideal for enthusiasts of plants that require little care yet offer a vibrant green appearance. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Peperomia 'Santorini' requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Santorini' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of natural beauty.

    € 12,95

  • Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Lemon Lime - Ø12cm - ↑ 30cm

    Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Lemon Lime - Ø12cm - ↑ 30cm

    The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator Lemon Lime', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is an enchanting indoor plant known for its striking leaf patterns. The leaves of this special Maranta variety display a vibrant mix of green, yellow, and sometimes subtle pink accents, making each leaf a small piece of art. This plant, also known as the Prayer Plant, is ideal for plant enthusiasts looking to enrich their interior with a colorful and dynamic plant that is relatively easy to care for. The 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in less light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can damage the delicate leaves. The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. With its beautiful leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a cheerful note.

    € 13,95

  • Pilea Peperomioides - Ø12cm - ↑  20cm

    Pilea Peperomioides - Ø12cm - ↑ 20cm

    The Pilea Peperomioides, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 20 cm tall, is known as the Chinese Money Plant due to its unique, round leaves that resemble coins. This trendy and low-maintenance indoor plant is perfect for modern design enthusiasts looking to enrich their interior with a playful and contemporary element. The 'Peperomioides' is ideal for adding a touch of green to small spaces such as desks or windowsills. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Pilea Peperomioides requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf shape and easy care, the 'Peperomioides' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of cheerfulness.

    € 16,95

  • Red Phalaenopsis Orchid – Congo + Berry pot  – Ø 9cm – 40cm

    Red Phalaenopsis Orchid – Congo + Berry pot – Ø 9cm – 40cm

    An eye-catcher in the living room, or as an original gift for a loved one? This is one of our favorite gifts. This gift offers a beautiful appearance through the combination of love and Red Orchids. Then this red orchid Congo in combination with a Berry travertine decorative pot is perfect for you! The orchid comes with 2 or 3 stems and reaches a height of approximately 35 - 45 cm. The decorative pot features a ribbed finish and has a pot size of 9. Orchid Care Water your orchid once a week by submerging the nursery pot in water. Allow the orchid to drain thoroughly before placing it back in the decorative pot. Choose a well-lit spot, but avoid direct sunlight, with room temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Additionally, refrain from placing the orchid near a heater or radiator. Packaging & Delivery Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are carefully packaged in a specially designed shipping box to ensure that plants and pots remain undamaged during transit.

    € 29,50

  • Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Silvery Ann Pothos) ↑ 15 cm

    Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Silvery Ann Pothos) ↑ 15 cm

    The Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 15 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its heart-shaped, velvety leaves adorned with striking silver speckles. This variety of Scindapsus, also known as Satin Pothos, is perfect for those looking to add a touch of refinement and natural beauty to their interior. The 'Trebie' is ideal for creating a lush, green atmosphere in any space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the delicate leaf patterns. The Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie' requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Trebie' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

    € 8,95

  • Tillandsia King Xero (Air Plant) ↑ 23 cm

    Tillandsia King Xero (Air Plant) ↑ 23 cm

    De Tillandsia 'King Xero', geplaatst in een Ø12 cm pot en met een hoogte van ongeveer 23 cm, is een unieke en onderhoudsarme kamerplant uit de bromeliafamilie, bekend om zijn vermogen om voedingsstoffen en vocht direct uit de lucht te halen. Deze luchtplant, ook wel bekend als 'Xerographica', valt op door zijn zilverachtige, krullende bladeren die in een opvallende rozetvorm groeien. De 'King Xero' is perfect voor liefhebbers van ongewone planten en voegt een exotisch en artistiek element toe aan elk interieur. Deze plant gedijt het beste in helder, indirect licht en heeft weinig water nodig, waardoor het een ideale keuze is voor mensen die een gemakkelijk te verzorgen plant zoeken. In tegenstelling tot veel andere kamerplanten, heeft de Tillandsia 'King Xero' geen grond nodig om te groeien; hij absorbeert water en voedingsstoffen door zijn bladeren. Regelmatig sproeien of onderdompelen in water volstaat om deze plant gehydrateerd te houden. Met zijn unieke uiterlijk en minimale verzorgingsbehoeften is de 'King Xero' een prachtige aanvulling op elke plantencollectie, die zowel visuele interesse als een vleugje natuurlijke schoonheid biedt.

    € 21,95

  • Sansevieria Futura Superba (Snake Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    Sansevieria Futura Superba (Snake Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    The Sansevieria 'Futura Superba', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is a sturdy and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its striking leaf patterns and air-purifying properties. This variety of Sansevieria, also known as Snake Plant, features thick, sturdy leaves with green centers and light yellow edges, offering a stylish and modern look to any space. The 'Futura Superba' is perfect for those seeking a strong and decorative plant that requires minimal care. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in low light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Sansevieria 'Futura Superba' requires little water; the soil should completely dry out between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its easy care and air-purifying qualities, the 'Futura Superba' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and health benefits.

    € 15,95

  • Epiphyllum Anguliger (Fishbone Cactus) ↑ 35 cm

    Epiphyllum Anguliger (Fishbone Cactus) ↑ 35 cm

    The Epiphyllum Anguliger, set in a Ø14 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is a unique and striking indoor plant known for its unusual leaf shapes that resemble fish bones. This plant, also known as the Fishbone Cactus or Zigzag Cactus, adds an exotic and artistic element to any interior. The 'Anguliger' is ideal for enthusiasts of unique plants and is perfect for creating a conversation piece in the home or office. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the delicate leaves. The Epiphyllum Anguliger requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its striking leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Anguliger' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a touch of unique beauty.

    € 18,95

  • Maranta Fascinator (Prayer Plant) ↑ 20 cm

    Maranta Fascinator (Prayer Plant) ↑ 20 cm

    The Maranta 'Fascinator', also known as Arrowroot, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 20 cm tall, is a charming and easy-to-care-for indoor plant known for its graceful leaf patterns. The dark green leaves are adorned with striking light veins and purple undersides, making it a vibrant and aesthetic addition to any interior. The 'Fascinator' is ideal for those wanting to incorporate a subtle yet striking plant into their space, known for its ability to fold its leaves at night. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the vibrancy of the leaf colors. The Maranta 'Fascinator' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Fascinator' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of natural beauty.

    € 13,95

  • Calathea Zebrina (Peacock Plant) ↑ 80 cm

    Calathea Zebrina (Peacock Plant) ↑ 80 cm

    The Calathea Zebrina, also known as the Peacock Plant, set in a Ø19 cm pot and standing at about 80 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant with an exotic appearance. This plant is distinguished by its large, velvety leaves featuring a unique zebra pattern of dark green waves on a lighter green background. The 'Zebrina' is a beautiful addition to any interior, ideal for those looking to add a touch of tropical flair to their living space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the rich colors of the leaves. The Calathea Zebrina requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, meaning this plant could thrive well in a bathroom with sufficient light or near a humidifier. With its impressive leaf patterns and relatively easy care, the 'Zebrina' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of natural elegance.

    € 35,95

  • Calathea Orbifolia (Peacock Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    Calathea Orbifolia (Peacock Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    The Calathea Orbifolia, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is a stunningly beautiful indoor plant known for its large, round leaves adorned with striking green stripes. This plant, celebrated for bringing a slice of the tropics into the home, is perfect for enthusiasts of distinctive leaf patterns and textures. The 'Orbifolia' is ideal for those looking to enrich their living space with living decoration that is both soothing and aesthetically pleasing. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle lighter shaded conditions well, making it a versatile choice for various interiors. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the beautiful leaf patterns. The Calathea Orbifolia requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, meaning this plant could thrive well in a bathroom with sufficient light. With its impressive leaves and relatively easy care, the 'Orbifolia' is a wonderful addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a touch of natural beauty.

    € 27,95

  • Clusia (Autograph Tree) In Cylinder Glass XXL ↑ 60 cm

    Clusia (Autograph Tree) In Cylinder Glass XXL ↑ 60 cm

    The Clusia in Cylinder Glass XXL, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is a striking and stylish indoor plant that fits perfectly into modern interiors. This unique presentation of the Clusia, also known as the 'Autograph Plant', in a large cylindrical glass highlights the beauty of both the plant and its root system, making it a fascinating decorative element. This setup is ideal for those looking to add a green, yet artistic, touch to their space. The Clusia in this glass terrarium thrives with indirect light, making it a versatile choice for placement around the home. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent stress on the plant and overheating of the glass. Watering should be done sparingly; ensure the roots are not sitting in water to prevent rot. This low-maintenance setup is perfect for busy plant enthusiasts or as a unique gift.

    € 44,95

  • Philodendron Scandens Brasil (Heartleaf Philodendron) ↑ 35 cm

    Philodendron Scandens Brasil (Heartleaf Philodendron) ↑ 35 cm

    The Philodendron Scandens 'Brasil', set in a Ø15 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is a vibrant and easy-to-care-for indoor plant known for its heart-shaped leaves with beautiful green and yellow-green stripes. This variety of Philodendron, also known as the Heartleaf Philodendron, adds a tropical flair to any space with its striking leaf patterns. The 'Brasil' is especially appealing to those looking to liven up their interior with a low-maintenance and fast-growing plant. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle lighter shaded conditions well, making it versatile and easy to place in various spaces. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent discoloration of the vibrant leaves. The Philodendron Scandens 'Brasil' requires moderate watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. With its striking appearance and easy care, the 'Brasil' is a fantastic addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a tropical feel.

    € 17,95

  • Red Phalaenopsis Orchid - Congo + Elite Silver Pot - Pot size Ø9cm - ↑ 40cm

    Red Phalaenopsis Orchid - Congo + Elite Silver Pot - Pot size Ø9cm - ↑ 40cm

    An eye-catcher in the living room, or as an original gift for a loved one? This is one of our favorite gifts. This gift offers a beautiful appearance through the combination of love and Red Orchids. Then this red orchid Congo in combination with the Elite silver decorative pot is perfect for you! The orchid comes with 2 or 3 stems and reaches a height of approximately 35 - 45 cm. The decorative pot features a ribbed finish and has a pot size of 9. Orchid Care Water your orchid once a week by submerging the nursery pot in water. Allow the orchid to drain thoroughly before placing it back in the decorative pot. Choose a well-lit spot, but avoid direct sunlight, with room temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Additionally, refrain from placing the orchid near a heater or radiator. Packaging & Delivery Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are carefully packaged in a specially designed shipping box to ensure that plants and pots remain undamaged during transit.

    € 28,99

  • Romantic gift set - Plant set with pink Phalaenopsis Orchid and Succulents- Ceramic pots included

    Romantic gift set - Plant set with pink Phalaenopsis Orchid and Succulents- Ceramic pots included

    Love is... adding soft pink and white colors to your interior. The characteristic Romantic set is a feminine, cheerful, and charming collection. On the hyacinth tray, there's a combination of Vintage pots along with a wooden base and pink Kolibri orchid. The pink Andorra orchid shines with its multiflora of pink flowers. The Phalaenopsis orchid produces 2 to 3 branches and grows approximately 35 – 45 centimeters tall. Orchid Care: Water your orchid once a week by submerging the grow pot in water. Let the orchid drain well afterward before placing the houseplant back in the decorative pot. Choose a bright spot, but away from direct sunlight, with room temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Also, do not place the orchid near a heater or radiator. Packaging & Delivery: Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box that ensures plants and pots do not get damaged during shipping. *As we deal with living products, the varieties shown may have slight variations from the photos.

    € 64,99

  • Groove gold plant set | Set with white Phalaenopsis orchid and small & large Succulent  - Gold ceramic pots included

    Groove gold plant set | Set with white Phalaenopsis orchid and small & large Succulent - Gold ceramic pots included

    Make your interior special with a touch of gold! Meet our elegant orchid set consisting of the stylish white orchid Amabilis and the sturdy green Crassula Ovata. The white Amabilis shines in a 9 centimeter pot and adorns your room with 2 or 3 graceful branches. Beside her stands the Crassula Ovata, our green pride in a compact 6 centimeter pot. Together, they form a splendid pair in their golden Groove decorative pots. Care for the orchid: Pamper your orchid with a weekly water bath, making sure it drains well before placing it back in the decorative pot. A spot with plenty of light, but without direct sunlight, is ideal. Keep the temperature between 18 and 21 degrees and avoid proximity to heaters or radiators for optimal growth. Packaging & Delivery: Our plants are carefully shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box that protects your new green friends and their chic pots from damage during transit. Prepare for a stylish addition to your interior with this unique plant set.

    € 34,99

  • Howea Forsteriana (Kentia Palm) ↑ 75 cm

    Howea Forsteriana (Kentia Palm) ↑ 75 cm

    The Howea Forsteriana, also known as the Kentia Palm, showcased in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 75 cm tall, is a refined addition to any interior. This palm is celebrated for its elegant, arching leaves that bring a peaceful, tropical atmosphere. Ideal for those wanting to introduce a touch of green into their home without high maintenance; the Kentia Palm prefers a light spot away from direct sunlight and has moderate water needs, with the soil needing to dry out slightly between waterings. Not only is this plant a delight to the eyes, but it also acts as a natural air purifier, contributing to a healthier living environment. With its hardy nature and slow growth, the Howea Forsteriana is perfect for both novice plant enthusiasts and experienced green thumbs looking for a stylish, low-maintenance plant to enhance their space.

    € 42,95

  • Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus) ↑ 60 cm

    Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus) ↑ 60 cm

    The Selenicereus Anthonyanus, distinguished by a Ø21 cm pot and a height of about 60 cm, is a unique and attractive houseplant. Also known as the 'Fishbone Cactus' due to its distinctive fishbone-like leaves, it's a real eye-catcher with its unusual shape and pattern. The Selenicereus Anthonyanus prefers a bright spot in the home but should be protected from direct sunlight, which can damage the leaves. This cactus variety has a moderate water requirement. It's important to let the soil dry out between waterings, but ensure the plant does not completely dry out. This plant is perfect for enthusiasts of unique and exotic plants, adding an intriguing and decorative element to any interior.

    € 46,95

  • Dracaena Marginata (Dragon Tree) ↑ 120 cm

    Dracaena Marginata (Dragon Tree) ↑ 120 cm

    The Dracaena Marginata, stylishly set in a Ø21 cm pot and standing at about 120 cm tall, is a popular and easy-to-care-for houseplant. Also known as the 'Dragon Tree', it is distinguished by its long, slender leaves with distinctive red edges, adding an atmospheric and modern touch to any space. The Dracaena Marginata thrives best in a bright location but cannot tolerate direct sunlight, which can damage the leaves. It's an ideal plant for spaces that receive light but are not constantly in full sun. In terms of water needs, the Dracaena Marginata is quite forgiving. It suffices to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. This plant is perfect for those seeking a stylish, low-maintenance plant that adds an elegant, green touch both at home and in the office.

    € 27,95

  • Guzmania Hope (Tube Plant) Bromeliad ↑ 40 cm

    Guzmania Hope (Tube Plant) Bromeliad ↑ 40 cm

    The Guzmania Hope, standing at 40 cm tall and with a pot diameter of 12 cm, is a vibrant addition to any home. This colorful bromeliad, featuring a striking flower at its center, brings an exotic touch to your decor. Ideal for the windowsill or as a centerpiece on the coffee table. This tropical beauty enjoys a bright spot but direct sunlight can harm its leaves. In terms of care, the Guzmania Hope is an easy-going plant. It doesn't need much water; just water into the plant's cup and let the soil dry out between waterings. This low-maintenance plant is perfect for those who want to add a splash of color without too much fuss. With its bright hues and easy care, the Guzmania Hope is a wonderful way to introduce a natural and cheerful accent into your living space.

    € 17,95

  • Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear) ↑ 55 cm

    Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear) ↑ 55 cm

    The Alocasia Cucullata, also known as Elephant Ear, standing at 55 cm tall with a pot diameter of 19 cm, is an exotic beauty that immediately grabs attention. This plant features large, heart-shaped leaves that add a tropical flair to your interior. Not just a feast for the eyes, it's also a natural air purifier. Place it in a bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight to protect its leaves. Caring for the Alocasia Cucullata requires a bit of attention, but it's not complicated. Ensure the soil stays consistently moist without letting the roots sit in water. This plant enjoys regular, moderate watering. With such loving care, the Alocasia Cucullata will thrive, bringing a green and lively element to your home or office. Bring a piece of the jungle into your space with this stunning Elephant Ear! 🌿🐘

    € 24,95

  • Ficus Elastica Tineke (Rubber Plant) ↑ 85 cm

    Ficus Elastica Tineke (Rubber Plant) ↑ 85 cm

    The Ficus Elastica Tineke, standing at 85 cm tall with a pot diameter of 27 cm, is a stylish addition to any interior. This variety of rubber plant is known for its beautiful leaves with shades of cream, pink, and green, making it a striking presence. The Tineke adds a touch of color and elegance to any room. This Ficus Elastica Tineke is relatively easy to care for. It thrives best in bright, indirect light and requires moderate watering; let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. This rubber plant is perfect for anyone who wants a conspicuous, yet low-maintenance plant in their home.

    € 59,95

  • Dypsis Lutescens (Gold Palm) ↑ 110 cm

    Dypsis Lutescens (Gold Palm) ↑ 110 cm

    This beautiful Bamboo Palm comes delivered in a 21 cm pot. Its current height is approximately 110 cm. This plant thrives in a location with partial shade. Taking care of a Bamboo Palm is incredibly simple. Its attractive appearance adds a touch of elegance to any space.

    € 50,95

  • Alocasia Jacklyn (Skeleton Plant) - ↑15cm

    Alocasia Jacklyn (Skeleton Plant) - ↑15cm

    his is the Alocasia Jacklyn, also known as the Skeleton Plant. Standing approximately 14 cm tall upon delivery, this beautiful plant is ready to add a touch of exotic elegance to your interior. The Alocasia Jacklyn is like a living work of art with its deeply lobed leaves that resemble delicate skeletal structures in your home. It prefers a bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight to protect its delicate leaves. As for watering, give it regular love, but ensure the soil remains lightly moist without becoming waterlogged.

    € 34,95

  • Adjustable Plant Trolley - Black Metal - 60 kg carrying capacity -  ⌀ 38 cm

    Adjustable Plant Trolley - Black Metal - 60 kg carrying capacity - ⌀ 38 cm

    Do you know the feeling when you are vacuuming and that large, heavy vase is in the way? This adjustable trolley is the ultimate solution for moving large vases or plants. Since it is adjustable, you can use it for different sizes, which is ideal! Adjustable trolley 38 x 38 x 7 cm  Carrying capacity: 60 kg  Material: iron, PP

    € 14,95

  • Monstera Deliciosa Variegata B (Swiss Cheese Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    Monstera Deliciosa Variegata B (Swiss Cheese Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    The Monstera Deliciosa 'Variegata', set in a Ø15 cm pot and standing at about 45 cm tall, is an exceptionally beautiful indoor plant known for its striking leaves featuring a natural variation of green and white colors. This variety of Monstera, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, adds an exotic and luxurious element to any interior. The 'Variegata' is ideal for enthusiasts of unique plants who want to make a statement in their space with a plant that is both visually appealing and air-purifying. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but must be protected from direct sunlight to prevent burning of the variegated leaves. The Monstera Deliciosa 'Variegata' requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its unique leaf patterns and specific care requirements, the 'Variegata' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of tropical opulence.

    € 69,95

  • Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    The Calathea Makoyana, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is known as the peacock plant due to the beautiful patterning on its leaves, reminiscent of a peacock's feathers. This attractive indoor plant, with its elegant green leaves adorned with feathery markings in light and dark shades, adds a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to any space. The 'Makoyana' is perfect for plant enthusiasts looking for a striking yet low-maintenance addition to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the vibrancy of the leaf patterns. The Calathea Makoyana requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its stunning leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Makoyana' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of exotic flair.

    € 23,95

  • Syngonium Neon (Arrowhead Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    Syngonium Neon (Arrowhead Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    The Syngonium 'Neon', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a vibrant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its striking pink leaves. This variety of Syngonium, also known as the Arrowhead Plant, adds a splash of color and tropical flair to any interior. The 'Neon' is ideal for plant enthusiasts looking to brighten up their space with an easy-to-care-for plant that makes a bold visual statement. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the vibrancy of the pink color. The Syngonium 'Neon' requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. With its striking leaf color and easy care, the 'Neon' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of warmth.

    € 12,95

  • Sansevieria Laurentii (Snake Plant) ↑ 55 cm

    Sansevieria Laurentii (Snake Plant) ↑ 55 cm

    The Sansevieria Laurentii, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 55 cm tall, is a sturdy and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its long, upright leaves with striking yellow-green edges. This variety of Sansevieria, also known as the Snake Plant, is perfect for enthusiasts of plants seeking a strong and decorative addition to their interior, with minimal care requirements. The 'Laurentii' is ideal for adding a touch of elegance and style, while also improving air quality indoors through its air-purifying properties. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in low light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Sansevieria Laurentii requires little water; the soil should completely dry out between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its striking appearance and easy care, the 'Laurentii' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and practical benefits.

    € 25,95

  • Asplenium Antiquum (Japanese Birds Nest Fern) ↑ 40 cm

    Asplenium Antiquum (Japanese Birds Nest Fern) ↑ 40 cm

    The Asplenium Antiquum, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 40 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its long, glossy, dark green leaves that create a lush, tropical atmosphere. This variety of Asplenium, also known as the Bird's Nest Fern, forms a compact rosette that adds a natural and soothing appearance to any space. The 'Antiquum' is perfect for greenery enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance to their interior without requiring a lot of maintenance. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Asplenium Antiquum requires moderate watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its attractive shape and easy care, the 'Antiquum' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of tranquility.

    € 23,95

  • Syngonium Red Heart (Arrowhead Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    Syngonium Red Heart (Arrowhead Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    The Syngonium 'Red Heart', set in a Ø19 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is a striking and versatile indoor plant known for its heart-shaped leaves featuring a beautiful blend of green and pink colors. This variety of Syngonium, also known as the Arrowhead Plant, adds a touch of softness and color to any interior. The 'Red Heart' is ideal for those looking to enrich their living or workspace with a vibrant plant that is easy to care for. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent discoloration of the leaves. The Syngonium 'Red Heart' requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Red Heart' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of warmth.

    € 21,95

  • Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant) ↑ 30 cm

    Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant) ↑ 30 cm

    The Pilea Peperomioides, set in a Ø15 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is a trendy and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its unique round leaves that resemble little green pancakes. This plant, also known as the Chinese Money Plant, is perfect for enthusiasts of modern plants looking to enrich their interior with a playful and contemporary element. The 'Peperomioides' is ideal for adding a touch of green to small spaces such as desks or windowsills.This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Pilea Peperomioides requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its distinctive leaf shape and easy care, the 'Peperomioides' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of cheerfulness.

    € 24,95

  • Begonia Rex Fedor ↑ 25 cm

    Begonia Rex Fedor ↑ 25 cm

    The Begonia Rex 'Fedor', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its rich, colorful leaves. This variety of Begonia, with its deep red and silver leaf patterns, provides a luxurious look that can enrich any space. The 'Fedor' is perfect for enthusiasts of decoratively valuable plants looking to add a standout and artistic element to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the intensity of the leaf colors. The Begonia Rex 'Fedor' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. It's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its impressive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Fedor' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

    € 10,95

  • Begonia Rex Ferox ↑ 25 cm

    Begonia Rex Ferox ↑ 25 cm

    The Begonia Rex 'Ferox', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its unique and decorative leaves. This variety of Begonia, with its rough, almost spiky leaf texture and striking silver and green color patterns, is a true showstopper in any interior. The 'Ferox' is ideal for enthusiasts of exotic plants looking to add a standout and artistic element to their living space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the vibrancy of the leaf colors. The Begonia Rex 'Ferox' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. It's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its intriguing leaf patterns and relatively easy care, the 'Ferox' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of artistic flair.

    € 20,95

  • Peperomia Burbella - Ø15cm - ↑ 25cm

    Peperomia Burbella - Ø15cm - ↑ 25cm

    The Peperomia 'Burbella', set in a Ø15 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a charming and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its striking leaves. This variety of Peperomia, with its rich green leaves adorned with unique patterns, adds a subtle yet stylish touch to any interior. The 'Burbella' is ideal for those looking for a compact plant that requires little care yet offers a vibrant green appearance. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Peperomia 'Burbella' requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Burbella' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of natural beauty.

    € 18,95

  • Tradescantia Zebrina Violet (Wandering Jew) ↑ 25 cm

    Tradescantia Zebrina Violet (Wandering Jew) ↑ 25 cm

    The Tradescantia Zebrina 'Violet', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is an attractive and easy-to-care-for indoor plant, known for its striking leaves. This variety of Tradescantia Zebrina, also known as Wandering Jew, features silver leaves with purple undersides, creating a vibrant contrast. The 'Violet' is perfect for those looking for a fast-growing plant that can provide a colorful addition to any space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent discoloration of the leaves. The Tradescantia Zebrina 'Violet' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. This plant is also known for its air-purifying qualities, making it a healthy and stylish addition to any space.

    € 25,95

  • Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant) ↑ 75 cm

    Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant) ↑ 75 cm

    The Calathea Ornata, set in a Ø19 cm pot and standing at about 75 cm tall, is a stunning indoor plant known for its striking leaf patterns. The dark green leaves are adorned with elegant pink stripes, creating a unique contrast that captures the eye. This plant, also known as the Pinstripe Calathea, is perfect for enthusiasts of decoratively valuable plants who want to add a touch of elegance to their interior. The Calathea Ornata thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the intensity of the leaf colors. The plant requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making this plant suitable for a spot in the bathroom, provided there is sufficient light. With its striking appearance and specific care requirements, the Calathea Ornata is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of natural beauty.

    € 35,95

  • Euphorbia Acrurensis (Cowboy Cactus) ↑ 60 cm

    Euphorbia Acrurensis (Cowboy Cactus) ↑ 60 cm

    The Euphorbia Acrurensis, set in a Ø24 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is an impressive indoor plant known for its tree-like structure and long, upright branches. Often referred to as the Desert Cactus, this desert plant adds a unique and robust element to any interior. Its light green branches, adorned with small leaves, create a striking silhouette that fits well in both modern and traditional settings. The Euphorbia Acrurensis is ideal for those looking to make a statement with their plant selection and bring a touch of exotic nature into their home. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle direct sunlight well, making it an excellent choice for a sunny spot in the home. The Euphorbia Acrurensis requires moderate watering; the soil should completely dry out between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its minimalist appearance and easy care, the Euphorbia Acrurensis is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a piece of pristine nature.

    € 56,95

  • Calathea Medallion (Peacock Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    Calathea Medallion (Peacock Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    The Calathea 'Medallion', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is a stunning indoor plant known for its striking leaf patterns. The round leaves display an impressive palette of green, dark green, and purple hues, making each leaf a small piece of art. This variety of Calathea, also known as the 'Living Room Plant', is ideal for those looking to enrich their interior with a vibrant and atmospheric plant that brings an exotic feel. The 'Medallion' thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in less light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to preserve the vibrant colors and patterns of the leaves. The Calathea 'Medallion' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, meaning this plant could thrive well in a bathroom with sufficient light. With its striking leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Medallion' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a tropical feel.

    € 27,95

  • Philodendron Prince of Orange (Heartleaf Philodendron) ↑ 45 cm

    Philodendron Prince of Orange (Heartleaf Philodendron) ↑ 45 cm

    The Philodendron 'Prince of Orange', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 45 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its unique leaf color changes. This variety of Philodendron is distinguished by leaves that change from orange to green as they age, bringing a dynamic color spectrum into the home. The 'Prince of Orange' is perfect for enthusiasts of vibrant plants and offers a continuously changing beauty that can brighten up any space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle less light conditions well. Direct sunlight should be avoided to preserve the rich colors of the leaves. The Philodendron 'Prince of Orange' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. With its unique play of colors and easy care, the 'Prince of Orange' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a tropical atmosphere.

    € 35,95

  • Alocasia Polly (African Mask Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    Alocasia Polly (African Mask Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    The Alocasia 'Polly', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 45 cm tall, is a striking and exotic indoor plant known for its dramatic, arrow-shaped leaves with striking white veins against a dark green background. This variety of Alocasia, also known as the Skeleton Plant due to its unique leaf patterns, is a real showstopper in any interior and adds a tropical feel to the setting. The 'Polly' is perfect for those looking to enrich their home with a standout plant that offers both beauty and a touch of adventure. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. The Alocasia 'Polly' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, meaning this plant could thrive well in a bathroom with sufficient light. With its impressive appearance and specific care requirements, the 'Polly' is an excellent choice for plant enthusiasts looking for something unique.

    € 20,95

  • Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator (Prayer Plant) ↑ 30 cm

    Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator (Prayer Plant) ↑ 30 cm

    The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is an enchanting indoor plant known for its stunning leaf patterns. The deep green leaves are adorned with fine, dark lines and a striking feather-like marking in the center, transitioning into a lighter shade of green. This plant, also known as the Prayer Plant, is perfect for enthusiasts of visually intriguing plants that want to make a statement in their interior.The 'Fascinator' thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in less light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to preserve the vibrant colors and patterns of the leaves. The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. Not only is this plant known for its visual appeal, but it also has the ability to purify the air, making it a healthy and stylish addition to any space.

    € 16,95

  • Sansevieria Fernwood Punk (Snake Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    Sansevieria Fernwood Punk (Snake Plant) ↑ 35 cm

    The Sansevieria 'Fernwood Punk', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is a striking and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its modern and playful appearance. This variety of Sansevieria, also known as the Snake Plant, is characterized by its narrow, upright leaves that add an interesting texture and shape to any space. The 'Fernwood Punk' is ideal for those looking to enrich their interior with a durable and stylish plant that requires little attention. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but is extremely adaptable and can also survive well in low light conditions, making it a flexible choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Sansevieria 'Fernwood Punk' requires low water; the soil should completely dry out between waterings. With its unique form and easy care, the 'Fernwood Punk' is not just a visually appealing addition to the home but also a practical choice for busy plant enthusiasts.

    € 18,95

Has visto 48 de 110 productos


What type of plant is right for me?

Not every kind of plant suits you, your lifestyle or interior. It is good to know what to expect from a plant and what it can expect from you. Because yes, plants also need love and attention. So it is good to know in advance where you are going to put your plant. In the living room, bedroom, in the office or in a catering space? Once you have determined the spot, you are also going to know right away whether the plant will get a lot or little light. How big or small can you go? Can the plant attract all the attention or do you prefer to keep it small and subtle? Are there any pets that might nibble on your plant and might get sick from it? It is important to ask yourself these questions before choosing a plant. That way, you are sure to find a nice plant that suits you!

You can come to us for different types of houseplants. From tropical mini-plants for terrariums, small or large houseplants to office plants and plants with trendy pots. From Aloe Vera to Zamioculcas: we have it all!

Large houseplants

Imagine yourself in a lush jungle with urbanjungl's large houseplants. Some XL houseplants can grow up to 2 metres tall. Combine some of these large plants for a real urban jungle feel in your living room or office. 

Banana plant

The impressive leaves of this tropical banana plant will give you an instant jungle feel. This is a magnificent and large houseplant that can fit perfectly into a beautiful, open space. Whether you put it in your living room, office or entrance hall: the banana plant will attract attention. What's more, this plant is also pet-friendly. Meanwhile, as you enjoy the company of this deliciously tropical plant, it will do its best to also give something back for your good care. Within 3 years, you can expect bananas from this hero. This plant likes to stand in moist potting soil and enjoys plenty of light and warmth. However, do not place the banana plant in full sunlight, it does not like that. Then you will get no bananas as a punishment.

Ficus Audrey

Ficus Audrey has a lot to offer you. On the one hand, this plant purifies the air and, on the other, Ficus increases the humidity in your living room, office or business because it evaporates water. This plant can grow quite large. Give Ficus a bigger pot every second spring and watch it grow. Be careful if you have four-legged friends in the house: this plant is slightly toxic.

Ficus Lyrata

Introducing the captivating Ficus Lyrata, also known as the Tobacco Plant or Violet Leaf Plant, a stunning addition to any interior space. Its iconic, oversized, violin-shaped leaves make a bold statement, instantly elevating the ambiance of your home or office. With its glossy, deep green foliage and prominent veins, this houseplant exudes elegance and sophistication. The Ficus Lyrata thrives in bright, indirect light and appreciates regular watering, allowing you to easily care for its beauty. As a natural air purifier, it not only enhances your decor but also improves indoor air quality. Bring nature's charm indoors with the enchanting Ficus Lyrata. 


Zamioculcas is a beautiful, shiny and green plant that belongs to the succulents or succulents. As this plant stores water in its stem and roots, it can do without water for a while. With the Zamioculcas, you get a beautiful plant with a cool look in your home. Zamioculcas is highly toxic to humans and animals when consumed.

Sansevieria Zeylanica

The Sansevieria, also known colloquially as 'bowstring hemp', is a plant with upright, pointed green marbled leaves. The plant requires little attention, making it perfect for those lacking a green thumb. You will make the Sansevieria happy with a spot in semi-shade and a little water every few weeks. Your pets had better not nibble the leaves, as the Sansevieria Zeylanica is poisonous.

Polyscias Ming

More shrub than plant, curly leaves and a light green colour? That's the Polyscias Ming. The Polyscias or Aralia is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 2 metres tall. This plant likes a moist potting soil that is certainly not too wet, as it will drown. Do not put it in direct sunlight, as it does not like that either.

Polyscias Balfouriana

This plant is known for its green, round leaves with a white rim. The Polyscias looks like a miniature tree and therefore contributes to that lovely urban jungle vibe. This plant likes moist soil, direct sunlight and is non-toxic to pets.

Philodendron Green Wonder

This Philodendron Green Wonder wears its heart on its leaf and immediately demands a sizable spot in your living space, office or commercial shop. This plant has a long stem and large leaves that grow widely. It prefers semi-shade and slightly moist soil. Do not give this plant too much water, as it will drown. Cats soon tend to chew on the giant leaves, but they had better not do so, as the leaves are poisonous when consumed.

Monstera Delisciosa

The Monstera or Swiss cheese plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that is popular with many people because of its trendy look. This trendy plant prefers a bright spot and enjoys a moist potting soil. Moreover, this plant is extremely easy to propagate. Although the Monstera is a real eyecatcher in your interior and also purifies the air, it is not so good for any pets in the house.

Kentia Palm

Imagine yourself in the tropical jungle with the Kentia palm. With its large, broad and fresh-green leaves, the Kentia palm is the king of palms. This plant is used to standing in the shade, but also likes a lighter spot. So the Kentia palm is perfect for a darker spot. The Kentia palm prefers moist potting soil that can be moistened twice a day. You can safely bring this plant into your home, as it is not poisonous to pets.

Strelitzia Nicolai

You probably know this plant better by the name of giant white bird of paradise. This is a popular houseplant because of its beautiful, large leaves. This plant likes to drink a lot and prefers to be in direct sunlight. The fruits of the Strelitzia are slightly poisonous, but the houseplant version of this species will not bear fruit. So basically, your pets are safe, thankfully!

Schefflera Luseana bush

The Schefflera Luseana bush or octopus tree is a plant with small, dark leaves. This plant does not like a lot of water and needs only one serving of water a week. Preferably, the Schefflera Luseana bush languishes in semi-shade. Unfortunately, this plant is slightly toxic to pets.

Ficus Robusta

This beautiful plant with glossy, dark green leaves is better known as the rubber fig. Ficus Robusta likes a nice light spot in the sun. In summer, Ficus needs watering twice a week and in winter only once. So you don't have to care for the plant intensively. It is better to keep your pets away from it, though, because the plant is poisonous if consumed.

Dieffenbachia seguine 'Tropic Snow'

What a long, difficult name for a houseplant. Let's just call him Derek in this introduction for ease of reading. Derek is a handsome fellow. Derek's leaves look like works of art, but beware: the leaves of this plant are poisonous to four-legged friends. And also for humans, but we assume you won't be nibbling on Derek's leaves, right? The Dieffenbachia -better known as Derek- originates from the rainforest and therefore likes to be moist. Put Derek in a semi-shaded spot and this chap is happy.

Codiaeum Petra

This houseplant is better known as Croton, but we are going to call her Petra for a moment. This plant just might have won a plant beauty pageant with its beautifully coloured leaves. Like a real pageant winner, Petra needs plenty of love and attention. She doesn't like being too wet, but not too dry either and she enjoys the sun, but not at the hottest time of day. Give Petra the love she deserves, and she will reward you for it.

Alocasia Wentii

They also sometimes call the Alocasia Wentii hardy elephant's ear because the shape of the leaves resembles it. The large leaves are green and arrow-shaped with a dark red underside. This plant prefers a light spot without getting direct sunlight on its leaves. Furthermore, it likes to be watered once a week.

Alocasia Cucullata

Like its little brother Wentii, the Cucullata has leaves that resemble the ear of an elephant. You need quite high ceilings as this companion grows as much as 2 metres tall. This plant prefers a light spot and is thirsty once a week.


This houseplant belongs to the palm family. This beautiful palm, also called betel palm, has light green leaves and can grow nice and large. The Areca prefers not to have too much water; a slightly moist soil will suffice. A spot in front of a north-facing window would be ideal for this plant. Moreover, cats or dogs can come and sniff this plant, as it is non-toxic to four-legged friends.


In the wild, this plant grows mainly as a ground cover, but this info is of no use to you at all. What might interest you: this plant hardly needs any attention. Sunny or dark? Both are good. Water or suddenly no water for a long time? Fine. The Aspidistra is a low-maintenance plant and thus extremely suitable for wannabe plant moms and dads with a lack of a green thumb.

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