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Fittonia plant


Whether you have a green thumb or are still navigating the world of plants, the Fittonia is a great choice for the experienced plant enthusiast and beginner alike. With its vibrant colors and unique leaf patterns, this beautiful plant is not only perfect as a houseplant, but also as an addition to any terrarium. Let's take a look at what makes the Fittonia so special and why it should not be missing in your urban jungle.

Fittonia: The versatile houseplant and terrarium favourite

1 producto

  • Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Transforma tu espacio con un impresionante terrario de plantas! Tanto si estás empezando desde cero como si quieres revivir un terrario existente, este paquete tiene todo lo que necesitas para convertirlo en una jungla urbana frondosa. Qué incluye el paquete Plantas para Terrario (5 piezas): Sumérgete en un mundo diverso de vegetación con nuestras plantas cuidadosamente seleccionadas. El paquete incluye una Calathea Lancifolia, conocida por sus llamativos patrones de hojas; un resistente Bonsái; un helecho Asparagus con su follaje plumoso; y dos tipos de Fittonia - 'White Tiger' y 'Forest Flame / Ruby Lime'.   Abundante musgo verde fresco:  Hidro pellets: Carbón activado:  Suelo para terrario:  Plan paso a paso para crear tu terrario cerrado Consejos de cuidado:  Enlaces rápidos para crear una jungla urbana Terrarios Plantas de interior Plantas para terrarios Productos de musgo Suministros para terrarios Todo lo que necesitas para renovar por completo o construir tu terrario de plantas. Por supuesto, siempre es posible que las plantas de su terrario hayan comenzado a crecer un poco demasiado rápido, o que después de unos años las plantas de su terrario comiencen a cansarse un poco de vivir en el mismo "mundo". '. Con nuestro kit de recambio para terrarios de plantas, te aseguras de que tu terrario se verá completamente nuevo y fresco de nuevo. ¿Estás listo para un nuevo contenido para tu terrario de plantas o tienes tu propio frasco o botella de vidrio en el que quieres crear tu propio terrario cerrado o abierto con plantas? ¿Qué hay en nuestro paquete de recarga de terrario de plantas? Plantas de terrario (3 uds)  Café arábica Tigre blanco de Fittonia Llama del bosque de Fittonia/Lima rubí  Hidrogranos  Tierra para macetas de terrario  Musgo cojín vivo Pelets de carbón activado Consejos para el cuidado del terrario Guía paso a paso: cómo construir un terrario 

    € 32,50

Whether you have green fingers or are still finding your way in the world of plants, the Fittonia is a great choice for both experienced plant enthusiasts and beginners. With its vibrant colors and unique leaf patterns, this beautiful plant is not only perfect as an indoor plant but also as a complement to any terrarium. Let's take a look at what makes the Fittonia so special and why it should not be missing from your urban jungle.

Vibrant colors and striking leaf patterns

What immediately sets the Fittonia apart are its striking leaf patterns and bright colors. The leaves of the Fittonia can range from green with white veins to green with red veins. This makes each plant unique and adds a lively accent to any space. Whether you choose the green or red variety, the Fittonia will certainly draw attention and become a conversation starter.

Perfect for low-light rooms

Another advantage of the Fittonia is its ability to thrive in low-light rooms. This makes it ideal for offices, bathrooms, and other spaces where natural light is limited. The Fittonia can thrive under fluorescent lights, making it an excellent choice for people who want to add some greenery to their workspace.

Easy to care

The Fittonia is a relatively easy plant to care for, making it perfect for beginners. It thrives in humid conditions, so it's important to keep the soil lightly moist. However, avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot. The Fittonia also enjoys a warm and humid environment, so placing a humidifier near the plant can be beneficial.

An asset for terrariums

If you have a terrarium or are considering making one, the Fittonia is an excellent choice. Due to its need for moisture and warmth, it thrives in the humid environment of a terrarium. The Fittonia not only adds color to your terrarium but also helps create a humid environment for other tropical plants placed within it. Read about the asparagus

The Fittonia is a versatile and attractive plant that is perfect for both indoor plant enthusiasts and terrarium keepers. With its striking leaf patterns and vibrant colors, it adds a touch of liveliness to any space. Whether you are looking for a plant that requires low light for your office or a beautiful addition to your terrarium, the Fittonia will certainly impress. With its easy care requirements and ability to thrive in humid conditions, the Fittonia is a must-have for any plant collection.

So, what are you waiting for? Add color to your room or terrarium with the vibrant Fittonia. Visit our indoor plants page and discover the various varieties we offer. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned plant lover, the Fittonia will surely bring a smile to your face every time you look at its beautiful leaves. Order today and take your urban jungle collection to the next level with the versatile and enchanting Fittonia!

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    Often bought together with

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