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Fittonia plant


Whether you have a green thumb or are still navigating the world of plants, the Fittonia is a great choice for the experienced plant enthusiast and beginner alike. With its vibrant colors and unique leaf patterns, this beautiful plant is not only perfect as a houseplant, but also as an addition to any terrarium. Let's take a look at what makes the Fittonia so special and why it should not be missing in your urban jungle.

Fittonia: The versatile houseplant and terrarium favourite

15 productos

  • Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Transforma tu espacio con un impresionante terrario de plantas! Tanto si estás empezando desde cero como si quieres revivir un terrario existente, este paquete tiene todo lo que necesitas para convertirlo en una jungla urbana frondosa. Qué incluye el paquete Plantas para Terrario (5 piezas): Sumérgete en un mundo diverso de vegetación con nuestras plantas cuidadosamente seleccionadas. El paquete incluye una Calathea Lancifolia, conocida por sus llamativos patrones de hojas; un resistente Bonsái; un helecho Asparagus con su follaje plumoso; y dos tipos de Fittonia - 'White Tiger' y 'Forest Flame / Ruby Lime'.   Abundante musgo verde fresco:  Hidro pellets: Carbón activado:  Suelo para terrario:  Plan paso a paso para crear tu terrario cerrado Consejos de cuidado:  Enlaces rápidos para crear una jungla urbana Terrarios Plantas de interior Plantas para terrarios Productos de musgo Suministros para terrarios Todo lo que necesitas para renovar por completo o construir tu terrario de plantas. Por supuesto, siempre es posible que las plantas de su terrario hayan comenzado a crecer un poco demasiado rápido, o que después de unos años las plantas de su terrario comiencen a cansarse un poco de vivir en el mismo "mundo". '. Con nuestro kit de recambio para terrarios de plantas, te aseguras de que tu terrario se verá completamente nuevo y fresco de nuevo. ¿Estás listo para un nuevo contenido para tu terrario de plantas o tienes tu propio frasco o botella de vidrio en el que quieres crear tu propio terrario cerrado o abierto con plantas? ¿Qué hay en nuestro paquete de recarga de terrario de plantas? Plantas de terrario (3 uds)  Café arábica Tigre blanco de Fittonia Llama del bosque de Fittonia/Lima rubí  Hidrogranos  Tierra para macetas de terrario  Musgo cojín vivo Pelets de carbón activado Consejos para el cuidado del terrario Guía paso a paso: cómo construir un terrario 

    € 32,50

  • Terrarium DIY Kit - Milky Palm - Bottle Garden - ↑ 30 cm

    Terrarium DIY Kit - Milky Palm - Bottle Garden - ↑ 30 cm

    With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year. Size: Ø 21 cm ↑ 30 cm A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle! What’s in the package?  Terrarium Plants; Palm Calathea Fittonia Plenty of fresh green moss Hydro pellets  Activated carbon  Terrarium potting soil Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium Care tips Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps. Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.  Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy. Quick links to create an urban jungle Terrariums Houseplants Terrarium plants Moss products Terrarium supplies

    € 45,00

  • Kit DIY Terrario • Sam XL Bonsai • Ecosistema con plantas • ↑ 35 cm

    Kit DIY Terrario • Sam XL Bonsai • Ecosistema con plantas • ↑ 35 cm

    Terrario DIY con plantas verdes en una botella ¿Sin habilidad para la jardinería? ¡No hay problema! Nuestros terrarios se cuidan totalmente solos. En muchos casos solo hay que regarlas varias veces al año. De esta manera, podrá disfrutar de un sinfín de vegetación en casa o en la oficina. ¡Obtienes todas las cosas buenas y nada de lo malo! Dimensiones: Ø 29 cm ↑ 35 cm ¿Sin habilidad para la jardinería? ¡No hay problema! Nuestros terrarios se cuidan totalmente solos. En muchos casos solo hay que regarlas varias veces al año. De esta manera, podrá disfrutar de un sinfín de vegetación en casa o en la oficina. ¡Obtienes todas las cosas buenas y nada de lo malo! Con un terrario traes un biotopo pequeño y autosuficiente a tu hogar. El agua se recicla por evaporación, por lo que no es necesario regar o apenas es necesario. Súper moderno y conveniente, ¿verdad? Nosotros también lo pensamos. Nuestros miniecosistemas son verdaderamente para todos y se sienten como en casa en cualquier interior. Bueno saber; todos nuestros ecosistemas se entregan como un kit de bricolaje, por lo que deberá ensamblarlo usted mismo después de recibirlo. Pero, de nuevo, no se preocupe, porque le explicaremos todo lo que necesita saber sobre su ecosistema en cinco pasos. ¿Qué está incluido? Vaso con corcho (35 cm de alto y 29 cm de diámetro) Plantas; Fittonia blanca Espárragos Helecho  Varias bolas de musgo verde Sustratos  Carbón activado Tierra para macetas para terrarios Grava decorativa Plan paso a paso: crear su propio terrario Personal, sostenible y educativo Nuestras plantas y musgos son seleccionados a mano por cultivadores locales con el máximo cuidado y amor. Aquí, se cultivan de la manera más sostenible posible. De esta manera, se garantiza que las plantas en su botella de vidrio prosperarán juntas y disfrutará de su ecosistema personal con plantas durante muchos años. Aprendemos haciendo. Al crear su propio terrario con plantas en una botella usted mismo o con sus hijos, aprende sobre las diversas facetas de la tierra y, por lo tanto, la base de nuestra existencia viva de una manera creativa. La piedra, la tierra para macetas, las raíces, las plantas, el agua y el reciclaje se unen en este creativo centro de atención para su hogar. Es bueno saberlo Trabajamos con plantas certificadas MPS y cristalería reciclada. Las dimensiones y los colores de las plantas vivas pueden variar. También es posible que, debido a la temporada, una planta de la foto no esté disponible. En ese caso, recibirá una hermosa alternativa. Se recomienda abrir su ecosistema una vez al mes durante unas horas. Consejo de regalo para su amante, familia, amigo o colega  Un gran regalo para tu amigo verde, pero definitivamente también para tu amigo menos verde. ¿Él o ella no tiene un pulgar verde? Luego siga los cinco pasos usted mismo y hágalo usted mismo. Gran historia, ¿verdad? ¡Puedes dejar que tu amigo 'Tengo un pulgar verde' lo descubra todo por sí mismo! Délo como regalo de cumpleaños, regalo de inauguración de la casa o cualquier ocasión que se le ocurra. Es un regalo diferente y único. Esta vez, regala la botella pero reserva el licor. Es decir, si logras regalarlo... Apostamos a que este atractivo especial tendrá un lugar en tu interior en muy poco tiempo. ¡Vea todos los terrarios y cree su propia jungla urbana!

    € 47,50

  • Fittonia Ruby Lime - Planta de mosaico

    Fittonia Ruby Lime - Planta de mosaico

      Altura (incl. maceta): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Fittonia White - White Tiger - Planta de mosaico

    Fittonia White - White Tiger - Planta de mosaico

    La Fittonia blanca 'Tigre blanco', una planta de interior tropical conocida por sus llamativas hojas rojas y verdes. El apodo de "Planta de mosaico" se debe, por supuesto, a esta hermosa hoja única. Extremadamente adecuado para usar en un terrario o como una adición colorida a tu jungla urbana. Altura (incluida la maceta) 10 Tamaño de maceta 9 Ubicación Punto brillante, sin luz solar directa Necesidades de agua Promedio Adecuado para terrario Sí

    € 3,95

  • Fittonia blanco - Planta de mosaico

    Fittonia blanco - Planta de mosaico

    Fittonia blanca, una planta de interior tropical conocida por sus llamativas hojas blancas y verdes. Le debe el apodo de Planta Mosaica a esta hermosa hoja única. Coloca esta Fittonia en un lugar luminoso pero fuera del sol. Altura (incl. maceta): +/- 10 cm

    € 3,95

  • Fittonia Pink Tiger - Planta de mosaico

    € 3,95

  • Venta -21% Plant set - Lancifolia - 4 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant set - Lancifolia - 4 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package - the basis for every terrarium This Terrarium Plant Pack of 4 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 4 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 19,50€ 15,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 3 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 3 plants - Calathea Lancifolia - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package - the basis for every terrarium This Terrarium Plant Pack of 3 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 3 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 14,50

  • Fittonia Joly Josan  - Planta de mosaico

    € 3,95

  • Plant terrarium set - Bonsai - 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Bonsai - 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Ficus Ginseng bonsai + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Ficus Ginseng bonsai Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 27,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Coffea Arabica + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

  • Christmas Plant terrarium package - Christmas Kit & Tree - Asparagus - Fittonia Ruby Lime - 3 terrarium plants - Refill & Starter package

    Christmas Plant terrarium package - Christmas Kit & Tree - Asparagus - Fittonia Ruby Lime - 3 terrarium plants - Refill & Starter package

    With this complete Holiday Terrarium Do-It-Yourself starter and refill kit, you can bring the holidays to your plant terrarium. The package contains everything you need to transform your terrarium into an enchanting Christmas-winter world during the holiday season. After the holidays, you can easily remove the decorations, store them for the next year, and enjoy your green and sustainable plant terrarium with atmospheric lighting throughout the year. What's included in this plant terrarium package? Christmas Terrarium Decoration package (valued at € 8.95) Including tree bark stars, Christmas lights, pine cones, red stars, and red beads. Terrarium plants Mini Christmas tree Asparagus Fittonia Red (Ruby Lime/Forest Flame) Plenty of fresh green moss Hydro pellets  Activated carbon  Terrarium potting soil Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium Care tips With this terrarium package, your terrarium will be all set for the holidays! And after the holidays? Simply remove the Christmas decorations from your terrarium and store them for the next year. This way, you can bring the Christmas atmosphere to life in your terrarium every year, while enjoying a beautiful green and sustainable piece of nature in your home throughout the year. Christmas trees are outdoor plants and therefore not suitable for prolonged stays in a terrarium. Therefore, remove the mini Christmas tree from the terrarium after the holidays and plant it in the garden or an outdoor pot. You can fill the empty space in your terrarium with a new terrarium plant. Tip: order this directly with your purchase to avoid unnecessary shipping costs. Quick links to create an urban jungle Terrariums Houseplants Terrarium plants Moss products Terrarium supplies

    € 29,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants  - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

    € 24,50

Whether you have green fingers or are still finding your way in the world of plants, the Fittonia is a great choice for both experienced plant enthusiasts and beginners. With its vibrant colors and unique leaf patterns, this beautiful plant is not only perfect as an indoor plant but also as a complement to any terrarium. Let's take a look at what makes the Fittonia so special and why it should not be missing from your urban jungle.

Vibrant colors and striking leaf patterns

What immediately sets the Fittonia apart are its striking leaf patterns and bright colors. The leaves of the Fittonia can range from green with white veins to green with red veins. This makes each plant unique and adds a lively accent to any space. Whether you choose the green or red variety, the Fittonia will certainly draw attention and become a conversation starter.

Perfect for low-light rooms

Another advantage of the Fittonia is its ability to thrive in low-light rooms. This makes it ideal for offices, bathrooms, and other spaces where natural light is limited. The Fittonia can thrive under fluorescent lights, making it an excellent choice for people who want to add some greenery to their workspace.

Easy to care

The Fittonia is a relatively easy plant to care for, making it perfect for beginners. It thrives in humid conditions, so it's important to keep the soil lightly moist. However, avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot. The Fittonia also enjoys a warm and humid environment, so placing a humidifier near the plant can be beneficial.

An asset for terrariums

If you have a terrarium or are considering making one, the Fittonia is an excellent choice. Due to its need for moisture and warmth, it thrives in the humid environment of a terrarium. The Fittonia not only adds color to your terrarium but also helps create a humid environment for other tropical plants placed within it. Read about the asparagus

The Fittonia is a versatile and attractive plant that is perfect for both indoor plant enthusiasts and terrarium keepers. With its striking leaf patterns and vibrant colors, it adds a touch of liveliness to any space. Whether you are looking for a plant that requires low light for your office or a beautiful addition to your terrarium, the Fittonia will certainly impress. With its easy care requirements and ability to thrive in humid conditions, the Fittonia is a must-have for any plant collection.

So, what are you waiting for? Add color to your room or terrarium with the vibrant Fittonia. Visit our indoor plants page and discover the various varieties we offer. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned plant lover, the Fittonia will surely bring a smile to your face every time you look at its beautiful leaves. Order today and take your urban jungle collection to the next level with the versatile and enchanting Fittonia!

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