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The Ficus Ginseng Bonsai, also known as Ficus "Microcarpa Fig".This 15 cm high small mini tree does best in a humid environment. It may be small now, but with enough love and the right conditions, these cute mini trees can grow up to 300 meters.Height: 15 cmWater: 1x a weekLight: direct/indirect sunlightPot size: 6 cm
€ 9,50
Terrarium bottle with cork and LED lighting in pyramid (Erlenmeyer) design. Made from recycled glassware. Height: 30 cmClosure: CorkColor: Clear glassPacked: Per pieceMaterial: Recycled GlasswareLighting: Yes, LED lamp in corkEAN: 8717336483699 Terrarium supplies Complete your terrarium and view all our terrarium supplies here. Need larger numbers? For larger quantities, please contact us via info@urbanjngl.com or view our B2B page.
€ 23,95
The Ficus Ginseng Bonsai, also known as Ficus "Microcarpa Fig". This 20 cm high small mini tree does best in a moist environment. It may be small now, but with enough love and the right conditions, these cute mini trees can grow up to 300 meters. Height: 20 cm Water: 1x per week Light: direct/indirect sunlight Need a size smaller? View Ficus ginseng bonsai microcarpa ↑15 cm
€ 14,95
Terrarium bottle with cork and LED lamp in milk bottle design. Made from recycled glassware. Height: 31 cmLighting: Yes, lighting in corkClosure: CorkColor: Clear glassPacked: Per pieceMaterial: Recycled Glassware Terrarium supplies Complete your terrarium and view all our terrarium supplies here. Need larger numbers? For larger quantities, please contact us via info@urbanjngl.com or view our B2B page.
€ 29,95
Meet the Asparagus plant, a delightful addition to any space. This charming house (indoor) and terrarium plant is celebrated for its delicate, feathery foliage that adds a touch of elegance to your home. Known for its lush, green appearance, it thrives in a semi-shaded spot and has a moderate water requirement. Height (including pot): 15-20 cm Pot Size: 6 cm Light Requirements: Semi-shade Watering Needs: Moderate Terrarium Friendly: Yes Additional Information: Each Asparagus plant has its unique growth pattern and blooming style, which may vary with the seasons and individual plants. The plant you receive might differ slightly in shape and size from the one pictured in-store or online.
€ 3,95
The Hedera Helix, also known as English Ivy, is a versatile and hardy plant that belongs to the ivy family. A Hedera is suitable as a houseplant, garden plant, and terrarium plant. The Hedera, originating from Europe, is known for its elegant, green leaves that provide a green oasis both indoors and outdoors. The Hedera Helix has a compact growth habit and is supplied in pot size 6. Thanks to its dense leaf growth and climbing abilities, the Hedera Helix is a popular choice for adding greenery to homes, offices, or gardens. This plant remains green throughout the year, grows relatively quickly, and requires minimal care. For optimal growth and health, place the Hedera Helix in a location with a mix of shade and light. Although the plant can adapt to various light conditions, avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorch. In terms of water needs, the Hedera Helix is moderate; it prefers evenly moist soil, especially during the growing period in spring and summer. Watering can be reduced in winter. Note: It is important to prevent waterlogging and standing water in the pot to avoid root rot.
€ 2,95
The Calathea Lancifolia terrarium plant needs little light. Place the Calathea in a spot with (semi) shade without direct sunlight. Too much sunlight is harmful to the plant and will lead to brown edges on the leaves.The Calathea requires high humidity and is therefore very suitable as a terrarium plant. What is special about this green / purple Calathea is that the leaves are 'alive'. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to open them again in the morning. Because of this, they also call it the 'living plant'. Height (including jar) 15-20 Pot size 6 Location Halfshadow Water requirement Medium Suitable for terrarium Yes Additional information Each plant grows and flowers in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.
€ 5,95
Con un terrario traes un biotopo pequeño y autosuficiente a tu hogar. El agua se recicla por evaporación, por lo que no es necesario regar o apenas es necesario. Súper moderno y conveniente, ¿verdad? Nosotros también pensamos eso. Dimensiones: Ø 23 cm ↑ 43 cm ¿Sin pulgares verdes? ¡No hay problema! Nuestros terrarios se cuidan totalmente solos. En muchos casos solo hay que regarlas varias veces al año. De esta manera, podrá disfrutar de un sinfín de vegetación en casa o en la oficina. ¡Obtienes todas las cosas buenas y nada de lo malo! Nuestros miniecosistemas son verdaderamente para todos y se sienten como en casa en cualquier interior. Bueno saber; todos nuestros ecosistemas se entregan como un kit de bricolaje, por lo que deberá ensamblarlo usted mismo después de recibirlo. Pero, de nuevo, no se preocupe, porque le explicaremos todo lo que necesita saber sobre su ecosistema en cinco pasos. ¿Qué está incluido? Vaso con corcho (37 cm de alto y 29 cm de diámetro) Plantas; Palm Fittonia blanca Falda Rojaittonia Varias bolas de musgo verde Sustratos Carbón activado Tierra para macetas para terrarios Grava decorativa Plan paso a paso: crear su propio terrario Personal, sostenible y educativo Nuestras plantas y musgos son seleccionados a mano por cultivadores locales con el máximo cuidado y amor. Aquí, se cultivan de la manera más sostenible posible. De esta manera, se garantiza que las plantas en su botella de vidrio prosperarán juntas y disfrutará de su ecosistema personal con plantas durante muchos años. Aprendemos haciendo. Al crear su propio terrario con plantas en una botella usted mismo o con sus hijos, aprende sobre las diversas facetas de la tierra y, por lo tanto, la base de nuestra existencia viva de una manera creativa. La piedra, la tierra para macetas, las raíces, las plantas, el agua y el reciclaje se unen en este creativo centro de atención para su hogar. Es bueno saberlo Trabajamos con plantas certificadas por MPS y cristalería reciclada. Las dimensiones y los colores de las plantas vivas pueden variar. También es posible que, debido a la temporada, una planta de la foto no esté disponible. En ese caso, recibirá una hermosa alternativa. Se recomienda abrir su ecosistema una vez al mes durante unas horas. Consejo de regalo para su amante, familia, amigo o colega Un gran regalo para tu amigo verde, pero definitivamente también para tu amigo menos verde. ¿Él o ella no tiene un pulgar verde? Luego siga los cinco pasos usted mismo y hágalo usted mismo. Gran historia, ¿verdad? ¡Puedes dejar que tu amigo 'Tengo un pulgar verde' lo descubra todo por sí mismo! Délo como regalo de cumpleaños, regalo de inauguración de la casa o cualquier ocasión que se le ocurra. Es un regalo diferente y único. Esta vez, regala la botella pero reserva el licor. Es decir, si logras regalarlo... Apostamos a que este atractivo especial tendrá un lugar en tu interior en muy poco tiempo. ¡Vea todos los terrarios y cree su propia jungla urbana!
€ 49,50
The Calathea Makoyana terrarium plant needs little light. Place the Calathea in a spot with (semi) shade without direct sunlight. Too much sunlight is harmful to the plant and will lead to brown edges on the leaves.The Calathea requires high humidity and is therefore very suitable as a terrarium plant. What is special about this green / purple Calathea is that the leaves are 'alive'. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to open them again in the morning. Because of this, they also call it the 'living plant'. Height (including jar) 15-20 Pot size 6 Location Half shadow Water requirement Medium Suitable for terrarium Yes Additional information Each plant grows and flowers in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.
€ 5,95
The Dracaena Warneckei, standing elegantly at 150 cm in a Ø24 cm pot, is the perfect addition for anyone looking for a low-maintenance yet stylish plant. This 'Dragon Tree' is characterized by its long, slender leaves with light green and white stripes, bringing a fresh and lively atmosphere to any room.This plant prefers a spot in the home where it can enjoy filtered or indirect light. Direct sunlight can damage the leaves, while too little light can limit growth. The Dracaena Warneckei is easy-going when it comes to watering. Ensure the soil dries out slightly between waterings, making it an ideal choice for the busy plant lover or someone who occasionally forgets to water. With its elegant appearance and simple care, the Dracaena Warneckei is a beautiful addition to any interior.
€ 79,95
The Phlebodium 'Blue Star', beautifully set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is a unique and attractive fern with striking blue-green leaf hues. This plant, also known as the Blue Fern, adds a fresh and rustic touch to any space with its soft, undulating leaves. The 'Blue Star' fern prefers a spot with plenty of indirect light but can also thrive in spaces with less light. This fern variety is special not only for its beauty but also for its air-purifying properties, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. In terms of water needs, the Phlebodium likes consistently lightly moist soil, but it's important to avoid letting the roots sit in water. This plant is ideal for those looking to bring a touch of natural beauty into their home with a plant that is both visually appealing and easy to care for.
€ 21,95
El espárrago ornamental es un miembro de la familia de las liliáceas y está estrechamente relacionado con el espárrago que conocemos como verdura, mmmm. Tiene su origen en África. Las plumas de los espárragos ornamentales están finamente ramificadas y, por lo tanto, se sienten suaves. Es un relleno verde popular en ramos de flores. La planta siempre está verde, crece rápidamente y requiere pocos cuidados. Coloque su espárrago ornamental en un lugar con algo de sombra y luz. En el verano, quiere más agua que en el invierno. Póngalo en su terrario o déle un baño en el baño de vez en cuando. Dale a esta elegante planta un lugar destacado en la habitación. Altura (incluida la maceta) 15-18 Tamaño de maceta 6 Ubicación Sombra parcial Necesidades de agua Promedio Adecuado para terrario Sí Información adicionalCada planta crece y florece a su manera y variará según la temporada y la planta.La planta que se muestra puede diferir en forma y tamaño de la compra en la tienda o tienda web.
€ 2,95
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