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494 prodotti

  • Pellet di carbone attivo per terrario • Sacchetto da 200 g

    Pellet di carbone attivo per terrario • Sacchetto da 200 g

    Pallet di carbone attivo per terrario • Sacchetto da 200 g Questo carbone attivo premium (carbone) è un'aggiunta eccellente al tuo strato drenante. Il carbone attivo rimuove metalli pesanti, contaminanti, inquinanti e odori indesiderati dal tuo terrario chiuso o aperto. Spargi uno strato sottile sul muschio di sfagno o sul fondo di argilla prima di aggiungere terra. Il tuo terrario emetterà meno odori e l'acqua filtrerà attraverso il carbone attivo e sarà più pulita per le tue piante all'interno del tuo terrario. Hai bisogno di più strumenti per terrari? Attrezzi per terrari fai-da-te Kit di ricarica fai da te Terrarium Pinzetta per terrari extra lunga Mister per piante di rame - Annaffiatoio Carbone attivo per terrario Artiglio per piante da terrario Carbone da terrario per piante d'appartamento, mosarium, bonsai, terrario succulento

    € 5,50

  • Adjustable Plant Trolley - Black Metal - 60 kg carrying capacity -  ⌀ 38 cm

    Adjustable Plant Trolley - Black Metal - 60 kg carrying capacity - ⌀ 38 cm

    Do you know the feeling when you are vacuuming and that large, heavy vase is in the way? This adjustable trolley is the ultimate solution for moving large vases or plants. Since it is adjustable, you can use it for different sizes, which is ideal! Adjustable trolley 38 x 38 x 7 cm  Carrying capacity: 60 kg  Material: iron, PP

    € 14,95

  • Aglaonema Dark Star (Chinese Evergreen) ↑ 35 cm

    Aglaonema Dark Star (Chinese Evergreen) ↑ 35 cm

    The Aglaonema 'Dark Star', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is an impressive indoor plant known for its dark green leaves with striking silver or light green markings. This variety of Aglaonema, also known as Chinese Evergreen, is perfect for adding a subtle yet elegant green touch to any space. The 'Dark Star' is especially appealing to those seeking an easy-to-care-for plant with a robust appearance. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but is extremely adaptable and can also survive well in low light conditions, making it a flexible choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can damage the leaves. The Aglaonema 'Dark Star' requires moderate watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. With its striking leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Dark Star' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual appeal and practical benefits.

  • Aglaonema Silver Bay (Chinese Evergreen) ↑ 55 cm

    Aglaonema Silver Bay (Chinese Evergreen) ↑ 55 cm

    The Aglaonema Silver Bay, with a pot size of 17 cm and standing at 55 cm tall, is a stylish addition to any interior. Also known as the Chinese Evergreen, this plant is a true artist with its silver-patterned leaves that brighten up any room. Despite its exotic appearance, it's surprisingly easy-going. Place it in moderate light; too much direct sunlight is not its cup of tea. In terms of care, the Aglaonema Silver Bay is a laid-back roommate. It prefers slightly moist soil, but isn't a fan of overwatering. A small sip of water when the top layer of soil feels dry is all it needs. With its low-maintenance nature and air-purifying qualities, this plant is a great choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. Bring a touch of green elegance to your home with the Aglaonema Silver Bay!

    € 27,95

  • Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear Plant) ↑ 60 cm

    The Alocasia Cucullata, housed in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 60 cm tall, is an exotic and graceful houseplant known for its glossy, heart-shaped leaves. Also known as the 'Hooded Dwarf Alocasia', it adds a striking green accent to any space, with its unique leaf shape and structure creating a tropical vibe. The Alocasia Cucullata thrives best in an environment with plenty of indirect light. While this plant can tolerate some direct sunlight, it's important to avoid the midday sun directly hitting the leaves, which can cause damage. The water needs of the Alocasia are moderate; it's crucial to keep the soil evenly moist but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Ensure excess water can drain well. This Alocasia is ideal for enthusiasts of standout plants who want to add an exotic touch to their interior, with relatively simple care requirements.

  • Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear) ↑ 55 cm

    Alocasia Cucullata (Elephant Ear) ↑ 55 cm

    The Alocasia Cucullata, also known as Elephant Ear, standing at 55 cm tall with a pot diameter of 19 cm, is an exotic beauty that immediately grabs attention. This plant features large, heart-shaped leaves that add a tropical flair to your interior. Not just a feast for the eyes, it's also a natural air purifier. Place it in a bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight to protect its leaves. Caring for the Alocasia Cucullata requires a bit of attention, but it's not complicated. Ensure the soil stays consistently moist without letting the roots sit in water. This plant enjoys regular, moderate watering. With such loving care, the Alocasia Cucullata will thrive, bringing a green and lively element to your home or office. Bring a piece of the jungle into your space with this stunning Elephant Ear! 🌿🐘

    € 24,95

  • Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 100 cm - Artificial plant

    Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 100 cm - Artificial plant

    You have to take very good care of a real Alocasia Frydek, it likes a certain humidity, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. You do not have that problem with this beautiful artificial alocasia. The leaves always remain brilliant green with a beautiful white vein. In the wild, the Alocasia Frydek can get huge leaves, sometimes up to a meter in size. Hence the Dutch name, Olifantsoor. The Elephant Ear is a plant that you should not bring into your home if you have a pet, as it is quite toxic to dogs and cats. Something you don't have to be afraid of with this beautiful artificial plant. The alocasia frydek is available in different sizes and also as a hanging plant.

    € 129,99

  • Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    You have to take very good care of a real Alocasia Frydek, it likes a certain humidity, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. You do not have that problem with this beautiful artificial alocasia. The leaves always remain brilliant green with a beautiful white vein. In the wild, the Alocasia Frydek can get huge leaves, sometimes up to a meter in size. Hence the Dutch name, Olifantsoor. The Elephant Ear is a plant that you should not bring into your home if you have a pet, as it is quite toxic to dogs and cats. Something you don't have to be afraid of with this beautiful artificial plant. The alocasia frydek is available in different sizes and also as a hanging plant.

    € 79,99

  • Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 90 cm - Artificial plant

    Alocasia Frydek - Elephant ear - 90 cm - Artificial plant

    You have to take very good care of a real Alocasia Frydek, it likes a certain humidity, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. You do not have that problem with this beautiful artificial alocasia. The leaves always remain brilliant green with a beautiful white vein. In the wild, the Alocasia Frydek can get huge leaves, sometimes up to a meter in size. Hence the Dutch name, Olifantsoor. The Elephant Ear is a plant that you should not bring into your home if you have a pet, as it is quite toxic to dogs and cats. Something you don't have to be afraid of with this beautiful artificial plant. The alocasia frydek is available in different sizes and also as a hanging plant.

    € 89,99

  • Alocasia Jacklyn (Skeleton Plant) - ↑15cm

    Alocasia Jacklyn (Skeleton Plant) - ↑15cm

    his is the Alocasia Jacklyn, also known as the Skeleton Plant. Standing approximately 14 cm tall upon delivery, this beautiful plant is ready to add a touch of exotic elegance to your interior. The Alocasia Jacklyn is like a living work of art with its deeply lobed leaves that resemble delicate skeletal structures in your home. It prefers a bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight to protect its delicate leaves. As for watering, give it regular love, but ensure the soil remains lightly moist without becoming waterlogged.

    € 34,95

  • Alocasia Polly (African Mask Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    Alocasia Polly (African Mask Plant) ↑ 45 cm

    The Alocasia 'Polly', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 45 cm tall, is a striking and exotic indoor plant known for its dramatic, arrow-shaped leaves with striking white veins against a dark green background. This variety of Alocasia, also known as the Skeleton Plant due to its unique leaf patterns, is a real showstopper in any interior and adds a tropical feel to the setting. The 'Polly' is perfect for those looking to enrich their home with a standout plant that offers both beauty and a touch of adventure. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. The Alocasia 'Polly' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, meaning this plant could thrive well in a bathroom with sufficient light. With its impressive appearance and specific care requirements, the 'Polly' is an excellent choice for plant enthusiasts looking for something unique.

    € 20,95

  • Alocasia Silver Dragon (Elephant Ear) ↑ 45 cm

    Alocasia Silver Dragon (Elephant Ear) ↑ 45 cm

    The Alocasia 'Silver Dragon', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 45 cm tall, is a captivating indoor plant known for its metallic silver leaves with dark green veins. This compact variety of Alocasia, with its enchanting dragon-skin-like texture, adds an exotic and mysterious atmosphere to any space. The 'Silver Dragon' is perfect for enthusiasts of unique plants looking to make a statement in their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light and requires high humidity for optimal growth. It's important to avoid direct sunlight as it can damage the delicate leaves. The Alocasia 'Silver Dragon' needs regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. Not only is this plant a visually appealing addition to the home, but it can also contribute to improved air quality, making it a great choice for both home and office environments.

  • Alocasia Wentii (African Mask Plant) ↑ 19 cm + Basket Igmar

    Alocasia Wentii (African Mask Plant) ↑ 19 cm + Basket Igmar

    The Alocasia Wentii, stylishly presented in an 'Igmar' basket with a Ø19 cm pot and standing at about 65 cm tall, is an exotic indoor plant known for its large, dark green leaves with a striking purple underside. This plant, also known as the 'Hardy Elephant Ear', combines beauty with resilience and adds a tropical touch to any space. The Alocasia Wentii in the 'Igmar' basket is a stylish choice for anyone looking to make a statement in their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can tolerate some shade. However, direct sunlight should be avoided to protect the leaves. The Alocasia Wentii has moderate water needs, with the soil needing to be kept evenly moist but avoiding overwatering. This combination of the Alocasia Wentii with the 'Igmar' basket offers a ready-to-go solution for a striking and low-maintenance plant in the home.

    € 39,95

  • Anthurium Clarinervium - Vein plant - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    Anthurium Clarinervium - Vein plant - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    The Anthurium Clarinervium has beautiful heart-shaped leaves with beautiful white veins that resemble veins. The Dutch name is therefore Aderplant. This large, full artificial hanging plant is a real eye-catcher. It immediately gives every room where it hangs a cozy green atmosphere. This beautiful artificial vein plant comes in a nice hanging pot. No one realizes that the plant is not real. Actually the only thing you notice that is that he doesn't need water. Very handy of course with a plant that hangs so high!

    € 49,99

  • Areca Dypsis (Golden Cane Palm) ↑ 35 cm

    Areca Dypsis (Golden Cane Palm) ↑ 35 cm

    The Areca Dypsis, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is an elegant palm known for its graceful, feathery leaves that bring an airy and tropical atmosphere into the home. This smaller version of the Areca palm, also known as the Golden Palm, is perfect for those looking to add a touch of the tropics to their living space or office. With its light green leaves and compact size, the Areca Dypsis is an ideal houseplant for the windowsill, bookshelf, or as a table decoration.This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle lighter shaded conditions well, making it a versatile choice for various interiors. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent leaf burn. The Areca Dypsis requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. To increase humidity, the plant can be regularly misted. With its refined appearance and easy care, the Areca Dypsis is a wonderful addition to any plant collection, offering both visual appeal and a touch of freshness.

  • Areca Lutescens - Golden palm - 180 cm - Artificial plant

    Areca Lutescens - Golden palm - 180 cm - Artificial plant

    The Areca Lutescens, called the Goudpalm in Dutch, is originally from Madagascar. When a true Areca Lutescens is in full sun, the leaves turn yellow. But that does not happen with this beautiful artificial palm, which always remains fresh and tropical green. With its 180 centimeters, this artificial Golden Palm is a considerable appearance in any room where you place it. A very nice purchase that you will enjoy for a long time.

    € 199,50

  • Asparagus Setaceus (Asparagus Fern) ↑ 35 cm

    Asparagus Setaceus (Asparagus Fern) ↑ 35 cm

    The Asparagus Setaceus, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 35 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its fine, feathery leaves. This plant, also known as the Lace Fern or Asparagus Fern, adds a delicate and airy touch to any interior. The 'Setaceus' is ideal for plant enthusiasts looking for a subtle green addition to their space, with the ease of simple care.This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the delicate leaves. The Asparagus Setaceus requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its elegant appearance and easy care, the 'Setaceus' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

    € 8,95

  • Asparagus Setaceus (Ornamental Asparagus) ↑ 45 cm

    Asparagus Setaceus (Ornamental Asparagus) ↑ 45 cm

    The Asparagus setaceus, standing at 45 cm tall with a pot diameter of 15 cm, is an elegant and airy addition to your green collection. This fine-leaved plant, also known as the 'Lace Fern', has a playful and delicate appearance. It's a perfect choice for hanging in a plant hanger or placing on a high shelf, where its graceful fronds can cascade beautifully. Caring for the Asparagus setaceus is surprisingly simple. It thrives best in indirect sunlight and can even survive in more shaded environments. Water it regularly, but let the soil dry out well between waterings to prevent root rot. This plant is ideal for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance to their interior without much extra work. Be captivated by the soft and graceful beauty of the Asparagus setaceus!

  • Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    Asparago Setaceus Plumosus - Asparago ornamentale - Pianta da terrario

    L'asparago ornamentale è un membro della famiglia dei gigli ed è strettamente imparentato con l'asparago che conosciamo come verdura, mmmm. Proviene dall'Africa. I pennacchi degli asparagi ornamentali sono finemente ramificati e quindi morbidi al tatto. È un popolare ripieno verde nei mazzi di fiori. La pianta è sempre verde, cresce velocemente e richiede poche cure. Posiziona i tuoi asparagi ornamentali in un luogo con un po' di ombra e luce. In estate vuole più acqua che in inverno. Mettilo nel tuo terrario o fai un tuffo nella vasca da bagno di tanto in tanto. Dai a questa pianta elegante un posto di rilievo nella stanza. Altezza (vaso compreso) 15-18 Dimensione vaso 6 Posizione Ombra parziale Fabbisogno idrico Media Adatto per terrario Sì Informazioni aggiuntiveOgni pianta cresce e fiorisce a modo suo e differirà a seconda della stagione e della pianta.La pianta mostrata può differire per forma e dimensioni dall'acquisto nel negozio o nel negozio online.

    € 5,50

  • Asplenium Antiquum (Japanese Birds Nest Fern) ↑ 40 cm

    Asplenium Antiquum (Japanese Birds Nest Fern) ↑ 40 cm

    The Asplenium Antiquum, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 40 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its long, glossy, dark green leaves that create a lush, tropical atmosphere. This variety of Asplenium, also known as the Bird's Nest Fern, forms a compact rosette that adds a natural and soothing appearance to any space. The 'Antiquum' is perfect for greenery enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance to their interior without requiring a lot of maintenance. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Asplenium Antiquum requires moderate watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its attractive shape and easy care, the 'Antiquum' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of tranquility.

    € 23,95

  • Asplenium Crispy Wave (Crispy Wave Fern) ↑ 25 cm

    Asplenium Crispy Wave (Crispy Wave Fern) ↑ 25 cm

    The Asplenium 'Crispy Wave', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its unique, wavy leaves. This variety of Asplenium, also known as the Bird's Nest Fern, features bright green, glossy leaves that purify the air and contribute to a healthier living environment. The 'Crispy Wave' is ideal for enthusiasts of decoratively valuable plants who want to add a natural and purifying touch to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Asplenium 'Crispy Wave' requires moderate watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its distinctive leaf shape and air-purifying properties, the 'Crispy Wave' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and health benefits.

  • Kit per la coltivazione di avocado per bambini - AvoSeedo

    Kit per la coltivazione di avocado per bambini - AvoSeedo

    Con questo kit di coltivazione, i bambini possono iniziare a far germogliare un nocciolo di avocado e poi lasciarlo crescere. Completo di adesivi per la decorazione della piscina e ombrellone. Avosedo - Edizione per bambini Vaso di plastica verde shell inferiore Bordo decorativo adesivi Ombrellone da spiaggia Manuale Con questa versione, i tuoi bambini adoreranno coltivare i propri avocado. AvoSeedo ha la forma di un orso e viene fornito con molti adesivi diversi in modo che possano personalizzare l'aspetto del proprio nocciolo di avocado.Il nuovissimo AvoSeedo è senza dubbio il modo più semplice per far germogliare gli avocado. e i bambini adoreranno la loro nuova pianta di avocado coltivata in casa.

    € 25,95

  • Confezione regalo amante dell'avocado - AvoSeedo

    Confezione regalo amante dell'avocado - AvoSeedo

    Il set Avocado Lover include tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per ottenere il massimo dai tuoi avocado. 1x kit per la coltivazione di avocado AvoSeedo  1x 5-1 AvoSeedo Avocado Slider & Saver set 2 bandiere bianche per scrivere nomi o date  1x calzini a tema Avocado 1x Volantino di istruzioni  1 confezione regalo  Se ami gli avocado, vuoi il set Avocado Lover! Mantieni i tuoi avocado freschi più a lungo con l'Avocado Saver, sbuccia e taglia l'avocado perfettamente con l'affettatrice per avocado e usa il seme per coltivare il tuo albero di avocado con AvoSeedo. Non hai mai usato un avocado in modo così efficiente. L'Avocado Lover Set è il regalo perfetto per chiunque Avocado! Stupisci i tuoi cari Sei stanco di trovare ai tuoi cari un regalo insolito ma meraviglioso? Falli sentire speciali con questo set regalo unico nel suo genere, che include un kit per la coltivazione di semi di avocado, strumenti multiuso per avocado e un paio di adorabili calzini a tema avocado. AvoSeedo ti offre la scelta regalo perfetta per sorprendere i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia! Porta semi di avocado Il coltivatore di avocado in barca, costruito a forma di avocado, ti consente di coltivare il tuo albero di avocado in casa con facilità e comodità. Con la sua capacità di trattenere i semi e di fluttuare liberamente, puoi coltivare qualsiasi pianta, non solo gli avocado. Un kit per piantare alberi sia per bambini che per adulti che rende la piantagione divertente per tutti! Facile da usare Il kit per la coltivazione dell'albero di avocado AvoSeedo è progettato per una sana crescita delle piante, anche per coloro che non hanno esperienza di giardinaggio. Basta rimuovere il nocciolo dell'avocado con cura e sbucciare la buccia. Metti il ​​nocciolo nel supporto per semi di avocado e mettilo in una pentola d'acqua. Ricordati di sostituire l'acqua ogni due settimane e vedrai la magia crescere in 1 o 3 mesi! La cassetta degli attrezzi multiuso per avocado 5 in 1 Con il set pela avocado e denocciolatore, ora sei a soli 3 passi dalla beatitudine del guacamole. Dividere la frutta con il coltello in silicone e rimuovere il nocciolo con la denocciola. Affettalo con l'estremità opposta del coltello, che presenta un efficiente design della lama a ventaglio per fette perfette, e conserva l'avocado avanzato nella scatola salva avocado. Sicuro e conveniente Il coltivatore di avocado e gli strumenti durevoli inclusi nella confezione sono lavabili in lavastoviglie e maneggevoli da usare grazie alla loro finitura liscia. Senza l'attrezzatura giusta, rimuovere i noccioli di avocado può essere pericoloso, ma ora puoi gestirlo tutto con solo due incredibili gadget. Coltiva, snocciola e conserva i tuoi avocado in modo sicuro per provare la santità dell'avocado illimitata!

    € 29,95

  • AvoSeedo: Coltivare una pianta di avocado da soli?

    AvoSeedo: Coltivare una pianta di avocado da soli?

    Out of stock

    AvoSeedo: coltiva il tuo albero di avocado Non riesci a portare gli avocado a casa tua? La prossima volta, non gettare i chicchi di avocado nei rifiuti GFT. Con l'AvoSeedo, ogni nocciolo diventa una bellissima pianta di avocado in pochissimo tempo. Ad esempio, gli avocado non sono solo gustosi, ma anche una gioia per gli occhi. Fai crescere il tuo prossimo avocado nel tuo albero di avocado in pochissimo tempo. E con il nostro aiuto non hai bisogno del pollice verde per questo! AvoSeedo è semplicemente lo strumento perfetto per coltivare alberi di avocado in casa: è un piccolo gadget di plastica con un foro dove puoi inserire un nocciolo di avocado. Aumenta la percentuale di successo della germinazione dell'avocado. Fa germogliare facilmente gli avocado La germinazione di un nocciolo di avocado non è sempre facile. Forse l'hai già provato tu stesso. Con AvoSeedo, tutti i metodi goffi con stuzzicadenti o carta da cucina sono un ricordo del passato. AvoSeedo è un set di germinazione di avocado super pratico che ti consente di coltivare tutti i tuoi semi di avocado in alberi di avocado. Ci hai provato? Ti prudono le mani per le creazioni fai-da-te verdi? O hai già un vero mazzo di avocado in casa? Allora dai un'occhiata ai nostri terrari per piante fai-da-te. Con questo puoi creare il tuo ecosistema in un barattolo in pochissimo tempo. Niente dita verdi? Nessun problema.  

    Out of stock

    € 15,95

  • Battery-Powered Wire Lighting - 1 Meter - Warm White - 20 LED Bulbs

    Battery-Powered Wire Lighting - 1 Meter - Warm White - 20 LED Bulbs

    This 20-lamp wire lighting offers endless possibilities for decorative use and is particularly suitable as terrarium lighting. The flexible light cord allows you to decorate it as desired in your plant terrarium or other objects such as Christmas arrangements, window sills, lanterns, or bowls. The wire lighting consists of two parts: an illuminated length of 1 meter with 20 warm white LED bulbs and a 25 cm lead cord to the battery box. The lighting is powered by 2 AA batteries (not included). The battery box has an on/off switch.

    € 2,95

  • Beaucarnea (Ponytail Palm) ↑ 130cm

    Beaucarnea (Ponytail Palm) ↑ 130cm

    Infuse your space with a touch of botanical allure through the Beaucarnea, a Ponytail Palm standing gracefully at a height of 130cm. Recognized for its unique bulbous base and cascading, slender leaves resembling a ponytail, this botanical gem adds a distinct and elegant presence to any indoor setting. Whether placed as a standalone statement or incorporated into a stylish arrangement, the Beaucarnea thrives in moderate indoor light conditions. With its graceful height and striking silhouette, this Ponytail Palm becomes a focal point, imparting your home or office with a sense of natural refinement. Embrace the captivating beauty of the Beaucarnea, elevating your interior with its distinctive charm.

    € 116,95

  • Beaucarnea Recurvata (Ponytail Palm) ↑ 55 cm

    Beaucarnea Recurvata (Ponytail Palm) ↑ 55 cm

    The Beaucarnea Recurvata, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 55 cm tall, is also known as the Elephant's Foot or Ponytail Palm. This unique houseplant is characterized by its thick, bulbous trunk that stores water, allowing it to survive dry periods well. Graceful, curling leaves grow from the top of this trunk, resembling a ponytail, giving the plant a playful and dynamic appearance. The Beaucarnea Recurvata is an ideal choice for those seeking a robust and low-maintenance plant. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also handle direct sunlight, making it versatile and easy to place in various lighting conditions. The water needs are moderate; it's important to let the soil dry out between waterings, especially in winter. With its unique appearance and easy care, the Elephant's Foot is not just an attractive addition to any space but also a sustainable choice that contributes to a healthy indoor environment.

    € 27,95

  • Begonia Maculata - Dotted Begonia - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    Begonia Maculata - Dotted Begonia - 80 cm - Artificial plant

    This beautiful Begonia Maculata seems to have been made by a designer. Yet it is completely formed by nature in the deep jungle of Mexico. Beautifully colored red with green leaves with silver dots on them. Our artificial Dotted Begonia is beautifully imitated from the best materials. Hang this nice large hanging plant in your bedroom, office, bathroom or living room. Any room will instantly brighten up.

    € 49,99

  • Begonia Masoniana Rock ↑ 30 cm

    Begonia Masoniana Rock ↑ 30 cm

    The Begonia Masoniana 'Rock', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant with a robust appearance. This variety of Begonia, also known as the Iron Cross Begonia, features large, green leaves with a distinctive brown cross in the center, adding unique texture and depth to the foliage. The 'Rock' is perfect for enthusiasts of plants with striking leaf patterns looking to add a strong and decorative element to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent leaf burn. The Begonia Masoniana 'Rock' requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its unique leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Rock' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of strength.

  • Begonia Rex Fedor ↑ 25 cm

    Begonia Rex Fedor ↑ 25 cm

    The Begonia Rex 'Fedor', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its rich, colorful leaves. This variety of Begonia, with its deep red and silver leaf patterns, provides a luxurious look that can enrich any space. The 'Fedor' is perfect for enthusiasts of decoratively valuable plants looking to add a standout and artistic element to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the intensity of the leaf colors. The Begonia Rex 'Fedor' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. It's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its impressive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Fedor' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

    € 10,95

  • Begonia Rex Ferox ↑ 25 cm

    Begonia Rex Ferox ↑ 25 cm

    The Begonia Rex 'Ferox', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its unique and decorative leaves. This variety of Begonia, with its rough, almost spiky leaf texture and striking silver and green color patterns, is a true showstopper in any interior. The 'Ferox' is ideal for enthusiasts of exotic plants looking to add a standout and artistic element to their living space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the vibrancy of the leaf colors. The Begonia Rex 'Ferox' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay lightly moist but without waterlogging. It's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its intriguing leaf patterns and relatively easy care, the 'Ferox' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of artistic flair.

    € 20,95

  • Begonia Silver Jewell ↑ 30 cm

    Begonia Silver Jewell ↑ 30 cm

    The Begonia 'Silver Jewell', set in a Ø15 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is a stunning houseplant known for its striking silver-colored leaves with a fine texture. This variety of Begonia is a true 'jewel' among houseplants, perfect for enthusiasts of plants with a unique appearance. The 'Silver Jewell' is ideal for adding a touch of elegance to any space, with its subtle shimmer and delicate leaf shapes. This plant prefers bright, indirect light and should be protected from direct sunlight, which can damage the leaves. The Begonia 'Silver Jewell' has moderate water needs; the soil should be kept lightly moist but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Thanks to its relatively easy care and decorative value, the 'Silver Jewell' is a wonderful addition to any plant collection, adding both visual interest and subtle beauty to the interior.

    € 24,95

  • Birdhouse - Cinciarella | ↑ 27,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Birdhouse - Cinciarella | ↑ 27,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Out of stock

    Questo nido tradizionale dall'atmosfera rurale con tetto in bitume darà allo Scricciolo un buon posto dove nidificare e aiuterà a preservare la loro popolazione oa favorire la loro reintroduzione in una determinata area. In inverno il box sarà di buona utilità agli uccelli che potranno ripararsi dalle intemperie. Posiziona il nido su un albero o un muro ad un'altezza massima di 2 m (6,6 piedi) in un punto ben nascosto tra i cespugli. Non alla luce diretta del sole o nella parte prevalente della pioggia, con una traiettoria di volo libera per l'uccello. A causa del comportamento territoriale degli uccelli è meglio appendere il nido a una distanza minima di 10 m (32 piedi) dai nidi della stessa specie e a una distanza minima di 3 m (10 piedi) dall'alimentazione case. L'autunno è il momento migliore per pulire un nido. Apertura foro chiave Porta laterale 27 mm (1.063")  diametro foro di ingresso Adatto per cinciarella, cincia dal ciuffo, cincia del salice, cincia di palude, cincia del carbone

    Out of stock

    € 15,95

  • Ultima scorta! Birdhouse - Cinciallegra | ↑ 31,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Birdhouse - Cinciallegra | ↑ 31,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Questo nido tradizionale dall'atmosfera rurale con tetto in bitume non solo darà alla cinciallegra, ma anche alla cinciarella, al passero albero, al passero muratore, al picchio muratore e al pigliamosche pezzato un buon posto per nidificare e aiuterà a preservare la loro popolazione o aiutare la loro reintroduzione in una determinata area. In inverno il box sarà di buona utilità agli uccelli che potranno ripararsi dalle intemperie. Il posto corretto per appendere un nido è in un luogo tranquillo e in qualche modo riparato, non alla luce diretta del sole o nella parte prevalente della pioggia, con una traiettoria di volo libera per l'uccello. L'autunno è il momento migliore per pulire un nido. Apertura foro chiave Porta laterale Foro di ingresso di diametro 32 mm (1.2598") Adatto per cinciallegra, cinciarella, passero albero, passero domestico, picchio muratore, pigliamosche pezzato

    € 19,95

  • Ultima scorta! Birdhouse - Scricciolo | ↑ 21,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Birdhouse - Scricciolo | ↑ 21,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta con copertura in bitume

    Questo nido tradizionale dall'atmosfera rurale con tetto in bitume darà allo Scricciolo un buon posto dove nidificare e aiuterà a preservare la loro popolazione oa favorire la loro reintroduzione in una determinata area. In inverno il box sarà di buona utilità agli uccelli che potranno ripararsi dalle intemperie. Posiziona il nido su un albero o un muro ad un'altezza massima di 2 m (6,6 piedi) in un punto ben nascosto tra i cespugli. Non alla luce diretta del sole o nella parte prevalente della pioggia, con una traiettoria di volo libera per l'uccello. A causa del comportamento territoriale degli uccelli è meglio appendere il nido a una distanza minima di 10 m (32 piedi) dai nidi della stessa specie e a una distanza minima di 3 m (10 piedi) dall'alimentazione case. L'autunno è il momento migliore per pulire un nido. Apertura foro chiave Porta laterale Foro di ingresso di diametro 30 mm (1.181") Adatto per Scricciolo

    € 10,95

  • Ultima scorta! Birdhouse | ↑ 27,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta

    Birdhouse | ↑ 27,5 cm | Nido nido | Pineta

    Questo nido è stato progettato per la Cinciarella. Fatta eccezione per la cinciarella, in questa casetta per uccelli puoi aspettarti anche la cincia dal ciuffo, la cincia di palude, la cincia del salice e la cincia del carbone. Durante le rigide condizioni invernali, il nido offre riparo e protezione. Legno certificato FSC A forma di triangolo/Wigwam Adatto per cincia dal ciuffo, cincia di palude, cincia del salice e cincia del carbone

    € 15,95

  • Bonsai root hook - 20,5 cm - Bonsai tool

    € 4,95

  • Bonsai shears L - 19 cm - Bonsai tool

    € 11,50

  • Bonsai shears S - 12 cm - Bonsai tool

    € 7,50

  • Bonsai tree (Globe Shape) Ø15cm - ↑ 30cm

    Bonsai tree (Globe Shape) Ø15cm - ↑ 30cm

    Discover the charm of the Bonsai Globe Shape, a plant that instantly brings a special ambiance to any room with its unique shape and size. Standing at a height of 30 cm and with a diameter of 15 cm, this bonsai is a perfect blend of natural beauty and artistic design. It awaits to enrich your living or working space with its vibrant green and stylized appearance. The Bonsai Globe Shape thrives in a spot with indirect sunlight; direct sunlight can harm its delicate leaves. It prefers a consistently moist soil but does not like its roots to be waterlogged. Water it once a week, depending on the soil's moisture level, and you will see how this little green friend flourishes. This bonsai offers a wonderful opportunity to introduce the art of patience and care into your daily routine, while continually surprising with its form and vitality.

  • Bonsai twig shears slim - 20,5 cm - Bonsai tool

    € 11,50

  • Calathea Compactstar (Peacock Plant) ↑ 105 cm

    Calathea Compactstar (Peacock Plant) ↑ 105 cm

    The Calathea Compactstar, housed in a Ø21 cm pot and standing at about 105 cm tall, is a real showstopper in any interior. This plant is known for its striking, striped leaves with a unique pattern of green, dark green, and sometimes purplish hues. The Calathea Compactstar prefers a spot with plenty of indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight, which can damage or fade the leaves. This plant loves consistent humidity, both in the air and in the soil. It's important to keep the soil lightly moist, but be careful of overwatering, which can lead to root rot. This Calathea is ideal for someone who loves a striking, decorative plant and is willing to provide the extra care this beauty needs to thrive.

    € 48,95

  • Calathea Dottie (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    Calathea Dottie (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    The Calathea 'Dottie', set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant that captures attention with its deep purple leaves framed by a distinctive pink edge. This variety of Calathea, known for its dramatic color contrast, adds a deep, rich tone to any interior. The 'Dottie' is ideal for enthusiasts of standout plants who want to make a statement while enjoying the air-purifying qualities Calatheas are known for. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but must be protected from direct sunlight to maintain the intensity of the leaf colors. The Calathea 'Dottie' requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its unique appearance and specific care requirements, the 'Dottie' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of luxury.

  • Calathea Fusion White Basic (Peacock Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    Calathea Fusion White Basic (Peacock Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    The Calathea 'Fusion White', set in a basic Ø14 cm pot and standing at about 40 cm tall, is a striking indoor plant known for its spectacular leaves. This variety stands out with its unique pattern of white, green, and sometimes light pink stripes, making each leaf a work of art in itself. The 'Fusion White' is a wonderful choice for anyone looking to enrich their interior with a plant that is both visually captivating and brings a soothing, tropical atmosphere. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light and should be protected from direct sunlight, which can damage the delicate leaves. The Calathea 'Fusion White' requires high humidity and regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. Thanks to its need for high humidity and preference for indirect light, the 'Fusion White' is not just an aesthetically appealing addition but also contributes to a healthier indoor environment by increasing air humidity.

  • Calathea Lancifolia (bambino)

    Calathea Lancifolia (bambino)

    Verde, giallo, rosso e un po' viola? La Calathea Lancifolia è una pianta d'appartamento colorata e attacca sempre le sue foglie verdi colorate in alto nell'aria. La parte inferiore delle foglie di barbabietola è rossa e sulla parte superiore c'è un bellissimo motivo allegro di colori. Questa Calathea sta benissimo in vaso, è piacevole da combinare con altre piante ed è perfetta per un terrario chiuso. Informazioni su questa pianta Altezza: 12/15 cm Amore: Parzialmente ombreggiato Acqua: Media Vantaggi : filtro dell'ariaSicuro per gli animali domestici: Sì 

    € 5,50

  • Calathea Lancifolia - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

    Calathea Lancifolia - Peacock plant - Terrarium plant

    The Calathea Lancifolia terrarium plant needs little light. Place the Calathea in a spot with (semi) shade without direct sunlight. Too much sunlight is harmful to the plant and will lead to brown edges on the leaves.The Calathea requires high humidity and is therefore very suitable as a terrarium plant. What is special about this green / purple Calathea is that the leaves are 'alive'. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to open them again in the morning. Because of this, they also call it the 'living plant'. Height (including jar) 15-20 Pot size 6 Location Halfshadow Water requirement Medium Suitable for terrarium Yes Additional information Each plant grows and flowers in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.The plant shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or webshop.

    € 5,95

  • Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 25 cm

    The Calathea Makoyana, set in a Ø17 cm pot and standing at about 25 cm tall, is known as the peacock plant due to the beautiful patterning on its leaves, reminiscent of a peacock's feathers. This attractive indoor plant, with its elegant green leaves adorned with feathery markings in light and dark shades, adds a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to any space. The 'Makoyana' is perfect for plant enthusiasts looking for a striking yet low-maintenance addition to their interior. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the vibrancy of the leaf patterns. The Calathea Makoyana requires regular watering; the soil should be kept evenly moist but without waterlogging. High humidity is also appreciated, making it advisable to regularly mist the leaves. With its stunning leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Makoyana' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of exotic flair.

    € 23,95

  • Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 55 cm

    Calathea Makoyana (Peacock Plant) ↑ 55 cm

    The Calathea Makoyana, set in a Ø21 cm pot and standing at about 55 cm tall, is known as the 'Peacock Plant' due to the stunning pattern on its leaves reminiscent of peacock feathers. This houseplant is a true showstopper in any interior, with its unique leaf patterns in green and purple. The 'Makoyana' adds a touch of elegance and is perfect for those looking to make a statement with their plant selection. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light and requires high humidity for optimal growth. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can damage the delicate leaves. The Calathea Makoyana needs regular watering, with soil that stays evenly moist but without waterlogging. Thanks to its visual appeal and air-purifying properties, the 'Makoyana' is not just a decorative, but also a healthy addition to any space.

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