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Extra Large XL - >130 cm

3 productos

  • Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    The Pachira Aquatica, paired with the stylish Elho Vibes Fold Round White pot Ø30, is a beautiful combination that brings both elegance and green serenity to your living space. Standing at a majestic height of 160 cm, this Pachira Aquatica makes a striking green statement and adds a natural flair to any room. This "Money Tree," as it's often called, likes a bright spot in the house but prefers to avoid direct sunlight. Its water needs are moderate; water it when the top layer of soil feels dry. The combination with the sleek, white Elho pot offers a modern look and fits perfectly into any interior. This set is ideal for anyone looking for a stylish, green addition that is both soothing and low-maintenance.

    € 93,95

  • Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Dragon Ivy) ↑ 160cm

    Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Dragon Ivy) ↑ 160cm

    The Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie' is a unique pyramid-shaped plant that undoubtedly deserves a special spot in your home. Standing proudly at 160 cm and nestled in a Ø27 cm pot, this houseplant brings a touch of natural elegance to your living space. The 'Trebie' is an easy companion. It loves indirect light and can even thrive in less lit corners of your house. Be careful with too much sun; this green gem prefers a softer approach. In terms of water needs, the Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie' is quite flexible. A regular sip of water suffices, but ensure that its roots don't sit in water. This green beauty is perfect for anyone wanting to bring a hint of greenery into their home without too much fuss.

    € 69,95

  • Strelitzia Nicolai (Bird of Paradise Plant) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    Strelitzia Nicolai (Bird of Paradise Plant) + Elho Vibes Fold Round White ↑ 160 cm

    The Strelitzia Nicolai, paired with the elegant Elho Vibes Fold Round White pot Ø30, is a subtle yet impressive addition to any interior. Standing at 160 cm, this plant brings a piece of tropical beauty into your home, perfect for those who love a natural and fresh look. This "Bird of Paradise" plant loves a bright spot in the house but avoid direct sunlight to protect the leaves. The Strelitzia Nicolai is fairly easy when it comes to watering; keep the soil lightly moist but ensure it's not saturated. Combined with the sleek, white Elho pot, this plant creates a modern and calming element in your living space. This set is ideal for those who want to add an exotic touch to their interior, with the convenience of a complete package.

    € 100,95

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