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Bonsai - Terrariums, Trees and Tools

Bonsai - Terrariums, Trees and Tools

Welcome to our bonsai shop, your destination for everything related to bonsai and creating your own urban jungle! Explore our extensive collection of products designed to transform your living space into a lush and vibrant urban jungle. From bonsai trees and terrariums to essential tools and stylish containers, we have everything you need to cultivate your very own urban jungle.

5 productos

  • Bonsai tree (Globe Shape) Ø15cm - ↑ 30cm

    Bonsai tree (Globe Shape) Ø15cm - ↑ 30cm

    Discover the charm of the Bonsai Globe Shape, a plant that instantly brings a special ambiance to any room with its unique shape and size. Standing at a height of 30 cm and with a diameter of 15 cm, this bonsai is a perfect blend of natural beauty and artistic design. It awaits to enrich your living or working space with its vibrant green and stylized appearance. The Bonsai Globe Shape thrives in a spot with indirect sunlight; direct sunlight can harm its delicate leaves. It prefers a consistently moist soil but does not like its roots to be waterlogged. Water it once a week, depending on the soil's moisture level, and you will see how this little green friend flourishes. This bonsai offers a wonderful opportunity to introduce the art of patience and care into your daily routine, while continually surprising with its form and vitality.

    € 25,95

  • Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (Bonsai) ↑ 30 cm

    Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (Bonsai) ↑ 30 cm

    Meet the Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng, your mini tree with a grand personality. This bonsai version, standing at 30 cm tall and snug in a 17 cm diameter pot, brings the delicate art of Japanese gardening right into your living room. And for those who prefer their greenery on the larger side, we also have a more imposing model standing proud at 110 cm with a pot circumference of 26 cm. Whether you opt for cute and compact or tall and majestic, this Ficus adds a serene vibe anywhere. Place him in a bright spot but out of direct sunlight, as he loves the warmth but isn't a fan of sunbathing. The Ficus Ginseng keeps cool with slightly moist soil, without getting his feet wet. A sip of water when the top layer of soil feels dry keeps him looking his best. It's that simple to bring a piece of zen into your home with this lively bonsai.

    € 36,95

  • Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (Bonsai) ↑ 110 cm

    Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (Bonsai) ↑ 110 cm

    Meet the towering Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng, a green giant that stands at 110 cm tall with a pot diameter of 26 cm, making a bold statement in any space. Its majestic presence, complete with twisting roots and a lush canopy of leaves, brings a touch of natural strength and tranquility to your home or office. Not just a sight to behold, this plant is also a champion of air purification, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. The Ficus Ginseng prefers a spot out of direct sunlight but still in the light; think a north-facing window or a spot away from the window on the south side. Its need for water is moderate: the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between watering. Water once a week during summer and less frequently during winter, and you will be rewarded with a faithful green companion that grows and flourishes. This Ficus is the perfect companion for anyone who loves greenery with grandeur.

    € 97,95

  • Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (bonsai) ↑ 50 cm

    Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng (bonsai) ↑ 50 cm

    Meet the Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng, a green hero with an exotic twist that transforms any space into a peaceful haven. With its robust roots and elegant green crown, this plant stands like a wise old man in your room, full of stories and wisdom. Upon arrival, it proudly stands at 50 cm tall, nestled in a pot with a diameter of 25 cm, ready to capture your heart (and your home). The Ficus Ginseng loves a bright spot but is no fan of direct sunlight. Its ideal home is where soft sunbeams can tickle its leaves without scorching them. In terms of thirst, it is modest; it prefers its soil lightly moist, but definitely not soaked. Give it regular little sips of water, and it will grow and flourish, your faithful green companion through all seasons.

    € 65,95

  • Ficus Ginseng - Ø 17cm - ↑ 40cm - Bonsai

    Ficus Ginseng - Ø 17cm - ↑ 40cm - Bonsai

    Sumérgete en el mundo encantador del Ficus Ginseng, un bonsái que no solo enriquece tu hogar con su apariencia elegante sino que también añade un toque de zen a tu entorno viviente. Esta planta encantadora con su impresionante tronco de raíz y ramas elegantemente formadas es una verdadera obra de arte en sí misma. A su llegada, ya presume una altura de unos 40 cm, listo para adornar cualquier rincón de tu hogar. El Ficus Ginseng es sorprendentemente fácil de llevar, siempre que respetes sus pequeñas peculiaridades. Un lugar luminoso, pero preferiblemente no en luz directa del sol, lo mantiene feliz. En cuanto a la sed, este bonsái prefiere un suelo consistentemente húmedo, sin tener los pies en el agua. Un sorbo de agua cuando la capa superior del suelo se siente seca es exactamente lo que necesita para prosperar. Con estos simples consejos de cuidado, tu Ficus Ginseng crecerá para convertirse en un atract

    € 26,95

Discover our diverse range of bonsai trees and terrariums, carefully selected for their suitability in indoor environments. These miniature trees bring the beauty of nature into your home, creating a sense of tranquility and serenity. Whether you prefer traditional species or exotic varieties, our collection offers a wide selection to suit your personal taste.

Elevate your urban jungle with our selection of bonsai terrariums, designed to create captivating displays and provide the perfect microclimate for your bonsai. These ecosystems allow you to observe and appreciate the harmonious balance between plants, soil, and moisture.

In addition to bonsai trees, we offer an array of lush and low-maintenance houseplants (like the Ficus Lyrata or Alocasia Zebrina) to complement your urban jungle. From cascading vines to vibrant foliage, our collection includes plants that thrive in indoor environments, adding texture and greenery to your space.

To ensure the health and vitality of your urban jungle, we provide a range of essential tools and supplies. From watering cans and moisture meters to organic fertilizers and specialized potting mix, we have everything you need to care for your plants and maintain their well-being.

Remember these tips to create and nurture your urban jungle:

  1. Choose the right plants: Select plants that thrive in indoor environments and complement each other in terms of growth habits, light requirements, and humidity levels. Consider factors like space availability and the overall aesthetic you wish to achieve.

  2. Light and placement: Different plants have varying light requirements. Observe the natural light conditions in your home and position your plants accordingly. Place sun-loving plants near windows, while shade-tolerant ones can be positioned in dimmer areas.

  3. Proper watering: Each plant has unique watering needs. Research the watering requirements of your plants and establish a watering routine accordingly. Be mindful not to overwater or underwater, as both can lead to plant health issues.

  4. Humidity control: Indoor environments can have dry air, which may affect certain plants. Consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near your plants to increase humidity levels. Mist your plants occasionally to mimic their natural habitat.

  5. Regular maintenance: Keep an eye on your plants for any signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies. Prune as needed, remove dead leaves, and periodically check the soil moisture levels. Regular care and attention will ensure the longevity of your urban jungle.

Create your own urban jungle oasis with our carefully curated selection of bonsai trees, terrariums, houseplants, and supplies. Let the beauty of nature transform your living space into a haven of greenery and tranquility. Explore our webshop today and embark on your urban jungle journey!

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